No. 197
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, how to make.png
Alright, I don't know if he had other guides, but here's one.
I learnt all this by making these pics!
1. Pen tool is your best friend, use it to easily select sections of the image. If you're unsure how to use the pen tool, holding down the left mouse button will create a bend between two spots. Hold alt after you have made a bend and click on that point to reset the point tool back to straight lines.
2. Once you have a section of the image outlined with the pen tool, you will want to select that area (saving the workpath allows you to select it again later, incase you make another path). This method also makes rounding off the sharp edges of polygons very easy. If you want to reverse your selection without having to draw a path again, press shift+ctrl+I for invert selection.
3. Once selected you can freely abuse the eyedropper tool to fetch the right colours, clone stamp tool to have an easier time with the textures, paintbush with a low flow and opacity and surface blurring. To do lighting effects, first remove the bright sections then apply them in smoother, longer streaks with the brush tool and white.
4. Making things shiny is very easy, ussually you dont even need to outline things with the point tool. Just select the dodge brush with around 30% opacity and go nuts. Burning does the opposite if you want to make shadows.
5. Even when drawing cocks, a reference is still very handy, it's a good idea to get a few picks that involve different angles or bends. Once you have what you think you'll need, pen tool it and now you have an easy overlay. If you find it's not looking quite right, the warp and distort tools (found under edit, transform) and liquify can help mold it into shape.
6. For cum I just follow this http://www.crazyleafdesign.com/blog/making-a-flowing-liquid-effect-in-photoshop/