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File 131932435094.jpg - (548.89KB , 1280x960 , Happy Halloween.jpg )
444 No. 444
So I recently started messing around with gmod and I think it's a lot of fun, so I would love some feedback and critique on my pictures.

Might as well start with a slightly Halloween themed picture.
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>> No. 445
File 131932462853.jpg - (398.91KB , 1280x960 , And now hes here to fuck us.jpg )
Business as usual in the intel room.
>> No. 446
File 131932494263.jpg - (163.05KB , 1029x849 , Let me tell you why that is bullshit.jpg )
>> No. 447
>On a bench
>Not amused
>with a can of BONK

This is an inside joke between me and a friend, but I cannot tell you how much it made my day to see this here.
>> No. 448
File 131947131065.png - (897.89KB , 1141x985 , slayer1.png )
Haha awesome.
>> No. 449
File 131948584168.png - (821.86KB , 1128x940 , Lunch time2.png )
How "Meet the Scout" really ended.
>> No. 450
File 131957995235.png - (835.17KB , 1045x959 , Kabooom2.png )
Her neck still looks kinda bad to me, but it was the best I could do. How noticeable is it?
>> No. 451
File 131991051076.jpg - (108.93KB , 1280x960 , kabooom4.jpg )
>> No. 452
File 131991059475.jpg - (163.00KB , 1280x960 , dispensing an erection2.jpg )
>> No. 453
File 131991068181.jpg - (205.29KB , 1280x960 , cp_degrootkeep0004.jpg )
I dunno...
>> No. 454
hahaha amazing.
>> No. 455
File 131992446470.jpg - (308.98KB , 1280x1024 , koth_viaduct_event00011.jpg )
I regret nothing.
>> No. 456

But I thought it hurt to get jizz in your eye. I guess it doesn't if your eye is also disembodied and 10 feet wide?
>> No. 457
File 132078693076.jpg - (573.30KB , 1280x1024 , mummy party.jpg )
Don't forget magic.
>> No. 459
>insert pony joke here
>> No. 460
File 132258726090.jpg - (363.81KB , 1042x1022 , facepunchmappingcontest_scifi00001.jpg )
I've seen a some MedicxPauling pictures pop up on tumblr lately, so I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon.
>> No. 461
This was actually pretty hot until I noticed she had like...scoliosis or something going on.

Ow. I mean, I do some intense yoga, and even I cannot make my back that way.

Nice textures, though. And the lighting's pretty good, too.
>> No. 462

They call that "Liefeld spine".

I love girl's butts, but the wierd curve of the back is kinda... distracting.
>> No. 463
File 132278214018.jpg - (335.92KB , 958x954 , fixed.jpg )
You're both right of course. Funny how I didn't see it until you pointed it out. I tried fixing it a bit without moving the neck and upper body too much, because lining up the neck and the head was a pain in the ass in the first place. Hopefully there are no glaring errors this time.
>> No. 464
File 132364363642.jpg - (0.96MB , 1400x1816 , skinny vs fat.jpg )
A quick little comic. Idea stolen from http://lolwtfcomics.blogspot.com/2011/10/skinny-guys-vs-fat-guys-corpse-teddy.html
>> No. 465

Heavy is undeniably the sexiest man on the team.
>> No. 467
File 132463024663.jpg - (400.22KB , 1280x960 , Naughty22.jpg )
Santa and his elves have been very naughty this year...

Any guy that offers snacks after sex a winner if you ask me.
>> No. 468
I hear the echoing voice of heavy saying "That was delicious!" Whenever I see this.
>> No. 469
At first I was like ARGH Y U BUMP THREAD FROM FUCKING NOVEMBER, but then I realized I've somehow never seen this thread before!
OP, you are glorious~
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