No. 1852
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OKAY! long-overdue bump and progress update!
Here's where we stand right now:
The folks that got in touch with me from last time at SacAnime haven't gotten back to me to let me know what classes they want to be and since it's getting close to the wire, I think I'll have to open up the floor to everyone else as well. Just can't wait anymore, sorry peoples :/
SO! Me & My Bro are gonna cover Soldier and Heavy. Nosferatu, I'd love your help as our Pyro.
FEMSpy, I remember you and you were awesome, but the script has a joke centered around a crossdressing spy and he kinda needs to have a dangler for it to make sense. :(
Would you maybe like to act as our medic? I have a bunch of stuff I'd be happy to give ya, like a backpack & Coat. The coat is most likely a little big for ya, but we can fix it with cleverness and hot-glue.
Bottom line, what we still need:
-A Spy
-A Scout
-A Medic (equipment available)
-An Engie
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