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File 128918253470.jpg - (213.01KB , 500x375 , faggots.jpg )
1 No. 1
Post anything.
153 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 2376
File 132463951197.jpg - (455.15KB , 1936x1288 , IMG_9469.jpg )
gp on, it's looks very good
>> No. 2418
File 132642022018.jpg - (115.12KB , 1071x290 , SDC16217.jpg )
been working on this baby for couple days, it's not finished yet but how do you guys like it?
>> No. 2419
Do you want an honest opinion?
>> No. 2421

I saw this on DA.

>"bit more paint, one part, and clue! and it's finished ! :D"

I can appreciate the use of duct tape, my launcher is full of it in >>2321 unfortunately, but the gun itself seems a little scruffy.

The shape looks good, but the paint you chose is matte and unflattering.

If you used a reflective paint instead I think that it would improved the look of it greatly.
>> No. 2422
File 132668834782.jpg - (121.64KB , 960x720 , 404377_2274423834904_1677930952_1484587_2064443511.jpg )
This shot was the best one in my opinion from the mini shoot me and a few other people I met at the Sac Anime Valve gathering did. Thought I would post it here to share!
>> No. 2435
Hey I saw you guys posing for this. I was in the giant ass line for autographs. I didn't get my Scout costume done in time for this one but I'll deffinetly be wearing it for the next one.
>> No. 2482
File 133195629498.jpg - (45.01KB , 640x480 , HNI_0061.jpg )
Femgie/Spy fluff.
>> No. 2484
File 133219557742.jpg - (178.67KB , 643x960 , bluengi.jpg )
Me as a Gunslinger Engineer this past convention! It was fun.
>> No. 2487
Gunslinger is on the wrong arm. >_>
>> No. 2489
Oh, I know, haha. This was intentional. My left arm is actually crippled so it wouldn't have made sense if I put it on my good arm and then went the whole convention with no mobility whatsoever. I was surprised no one at the convention noticed it was on the wrong arm, actually.
I'm Sorry. Maybe I should have flipped it before posting!
>> No. 2490
Damn, that sucks :(

Have you considering having your hand amputated and replaced with a robotic arm? :D
>> No. 2510
That is one amazing Gunslinger. How'd you make it? From what I can see it looks almost like foam or something...?
>> No. 2615
File 133944989989.jpg - (272.32KB , 1000x667 , IMG_1658.jpg )
We had nice photo shoot in Desucon Finland, it's just shame that Tf2 Cosplayers are rare in here :'I here is one picture, I would love to have some feedback about our costumes
>> No. 2620
File 133996992118.jpg - (237.11KB , 346x600 , IMG_8668.jpg )
Super old picture of me as scout from like 2010.

I'm planning on bringing the cosplay out again for a local con here this summer.
>> No. 2622
File 134000465028.jpg - (55.78KB , 500x667 , tumblr_m5rdtq2BvM1qc4debo1_500.jpg )
So Sydney Supanova was pretty fun
>> No. 2632
File 134132949975.jpg - (534.90KB , 581x800 , IMG_0955.jpg )
I thought I'd post some more recent stuff, so here's some good ol' Scout abuse from a recent shoot.

Injury makeup is really fun to do.
>> No. 2633
File 134134789922.jpg - (225.90KB , 602x922 , fatlilengiecropped.jpg )
From this past Saturday at Anime Expo. My first cosplay and there's several things I would change, the major thing being the crooked team patches (I can't iron). If I were to do BLU Engineer again, I'd change everything but the helmet and goggles, find better fitting clothes, etc.
>> No. 2634
File 134138364060.jpg - (96.82KB , 960x720 , AX12.jpg )
Was cosplaying red sniper. Was late to the Valve gathering at 10. But still had a good time meeting some random peeps.

TF2 fans were a bit nutty. But you can't expect anything less.
>> No. 2636
File 13417093746.jpg - (182.19KB , 500x750 , tumblr_m5fdmlRMdb1qh6h9io1_500.jpg )
Sniper Pics from Tumblr
>> No. 2637
File 134170942148.jpg - (85.56KB , 250x375 , tumblr_m5hhnhURxg1qh6h9io1_250.jpg )
G'day ladies!
>> No. 2638
File 134170952111.jpg - (84.38KB , 250x375 , tumblr_m5hhnhURxg1qh6h9io2_250.jpg )
I dunno who this is, but this guy is hot!
>> No. 2639
File 134170955615.jpg - (199.77KB , 500x750 , tumblr_m5hhnhURxg1qh6h9io3_500.jpg )
Hot Aussie hunks ahoy!
>> No. 2640
Fun fact about tumblr!

If you click on the name of person who posted it

it brings you to their page!

and then you know who posted it!!

>> No. 2641

That is Citadel.

He is on Tumblr as Citadel.
>> No. 2642

I don't use Tumblr, so I didn't know that. Thank you, though.


Thank you.
>> No. 2643
File 134178886747.jpg - (155.71KB , 960x720 , hats3.jpg )
Just thought I'd post this here
Posted the first batch of Anime Expo images on my tumblr today. I wish I could have posted them sooner, but I've been really busy with work.
I'll be updating with more images soon.
>> No. 2658
File 134386305585.jpg - (564.05KB , 1050x757 , IMG_1079.jpg )
One of the best pictures we managed to get of my boyfriend as Medic at a local con here in OK.
>> No. 2659
File 134401292938.jpg - (182.43KB , 500x375 , tumblr_m86svq2txV1qgs9mno1_500.jpg )
still working on my femheavy cosplay
>> No. 2660
File 134402567877.jpg - (415.78KB , 600x745 , IMG_1089.jpg )
Here's another picture I took at our most recent con- my bro Dante as RED Sniper. Most of the time he had Sniper's default hat, but for this picture he decided to go full silly Sniper, yellow belt and all.
>> No. 2672
File 134530684251.jpg - (76.72KB , 355x533 , PAXEast.jpg )
My femgie cosplay from Pax East this past April. Didn't want to have to wear a helmet all day, and I also left out the goggles.
>> No. 2675
File 13457857601.jpg - (687.51KB , 1536x2048 , IMG_20120713_135939.jpg )
Here I am as fail!fem!RED Spy. I intended to wear this under the coat I made (i was going for the look that ChemicalAlicia did for her femspy model).

However it was 90 degrees outside and it was made of 100% wool suiting. so uh, nope :s

Lots of snipers this year at CTCon... I also ran into an awesome soldier which I might post.
>> No. 2684
File 13468033931.jpg - (537.56KB , 614x900 , P1060751-2.jpg )
Had fun at Fan Expo 2012 as a Sniper on Saturday. I wanted to use the train as a prop, heh.
>> No. 2685
File 134688762581.jpg - (286.75KB , 600x900 , img_0288.jpg )
Tried my hand at FemSpy, wish that intel had come out better, also balaclava tan lines are not easy to explain come work on Monday.
>> No. 2691
File 134722892424.jpg - (73.53KB , 960x640 , 556235_305254612882344_100001934220209_663922_4513.jpg )
FemmePyro here!

Here's a pic of us cosplaying at a school event with Leslie Redd from Valve
>> No. 2712
Wish I'd known more tf2 cosplayers this year, I was a BLU Engie on Thursday. I'm prolly gonna do it again next near, but I'll get some friends... tf2 cosplay meetup, anyone?
>> No. 2713
File 134928743478.jpg - (214.63KB , 1600x1200 , 1001122105-02.jpg )
Beginnings of my BLU Medic costume. I have next to no sewing skill whatsoever, so I commissioned a friend to make the coat. I love it so.
>> No. 2714
File 134937196383.jpg - (684.29KB , 672x1035 , Photo on 9-28-12 at 5_13 PM.jpg )
The first cosplay I'd done in a long time was putting together an engineer cosplay, the first con I went to with it (recently in fact) was a my little pony convention so I just made a few modifications to make it a pony crossover, but it'll be normal engineer in most other cases now. There are some things I'm working to fine tune, some little details were just to get it done in time for that con. Also just a side note—the rope replacement of the power cord is for the pony crossover.
>> No. 2721
Anyone going to NYCC this year? I won't be cosplaying TF2, as I have zero monies (and am completely clueless on how to sew), but I'd love to meet you guys there!
>> No. 2724
File 135031648792.jpg - (616.12KB , 1024x768 , tumblr_mbxhviMzC01qzwtdlo1_1280.jpg )
I was at NYC Comic-con. This is not my photo nor did I take it, but I saw this family walking around. They were great.
>> No. 2725
File 135039508212.jpg - (298.63KB , 960x1440 , 1V5dk.jpg )
I was at NYCC as well, this is me. I couldn't believe the amount of photo ops I was getting. I was also on Kotaku along with other cosplayers, it was awesome.
>> No. 2726
Were you at the 3PM, TF2 meetup on Saturday? The gathering was located at 1E. I was the short, Asian femme-Medic with the Medipack and Ubersaw. I think I kept attacking you with my Ubersaw.
>> No. 2728
Yeah I remember you, great cosplay! I was doing backstab poses when all the medics were having their pictures taken.
>> No. 2730
Ahh, I didn't see you guys, sorry! I was only there on Sunday. I was a very short Eleventh Doctor with a Medic backpack. I admit I'm scared to go to cosplay meetups, I've never had a fancy outfit and everything I have is from my closet (I can't sew). Although I finally got one picture taken of my costume for the first time in my life, I was really excited.
>> No. 2734
My RP partner and I were at Y-Con 2012 in October & crossplayed as Engineer and Scout. I know there were a couple people who took our photos, I was hoping if they frequent the chan if they could post them. Thanks!
>> No. 2735
File 135276727618.jpg - (37.66KB , 960x720 , 387950_4417622651537_961122131_n.jpg )
Apologies for the shit pic quality. My phone's camera blows. The fiance and I went as BLU Heavy and Medic for Halloween. Not happy with my y-strap, as I got a modern one for use with other things, and I'll probably get a proper leather one if I ever take this to a con. The gloves arrived darker than advertized on the site, but alas. There's a bunch wrong with these, but it's my first try at anything like this so I'm happy with the attempt.
>> No. 2737
File 135283667392.png - (396.53KB , 498x750 , tumblr_mdehhasTsI1r5g3gro1_500.png )
My soldier cosplay at Pacific Media Expo
>> No. 2739
File 135416344337.jpg - (54.93KB , 720x960 , 18208_388173491257122_1404852895_n.jpg )
Got my Balloonicorn!!!! Now on to my Rainblower!
>> No. 2744
File 135537948167.jpg - (155.10KB , 800x600 , 319676_210564155678682_1220180807_n.jpg )
Ok guys. I've entered a Just Dance 4 contest as FemmePyro and would if some people could watch, share, and like the video!

Let's make Valve the winner of an Ubisoft contest!

>> No. 2758
File 136487046361.jpg - (284.27KB , 2048x1536 , ASD.jpg )
I've never posted here, but here's a Medic cosplay I've been working on (very lazily)
>> No. 2759
File 136487053451.jpg - (223.75KB , 1558x1536 , mhm.jpg )
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