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File 128918253470.jpg - (213.01KB , 500x375 , faggots.jpg )
1 No. 1
Post anything.
Expand all images
>> No. 2
File 128918375244.jpg - (321.55KB , 536x800 , gin.jpg )

Also, Gin and Tonic is tasty.
>> No. 3
File 12891850425.jpg - (340.89KB , 480x640 , 1106101609-01.jpg )
Does it have to be ultra amazing quality?
>> No. 4
File 128918540164.jpg - (113.22KB , 540x720 , 65.jpg )
That mask is amazing.

I am neither the Solly nor the Heavy, but I love this picture.
>> No. 5
File 128918564959.jpg - (912.22KB , 1632x1224 , ItWasLongTrip.jpg )
Because I can't get enough of this picture. FAGS you say? Yeah? and what of it? (hurpdurp)
>> No. 6
File 128918997755.gif - (105.23KB , 300x225 , Helmet Party Hard.gif )
>> No. 9
File 128919628889.jpg - (578.40KB , 800x599 , Image1.jpg )
>> No. 16
File 128922804076.jpg - (697.83KB , 800x600 , SO MANY COSPLAYERS.jpg )
JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW I posted many of the lost pictures on Cosplay Paheal over time. http://cosplay.paheal.net/post/list/Team_Fortress_2/1
Just skim through there, you might find your lost favorites again.

Attached picture is an example of what's on Cosplay Paheal.
>> No. 17
File 128923098968.jpg - (125.76KB , 373x500 , borzou_scrumpy.jpg )

I'll see your tonic and raise you...Srumpy.
>> No. 18
File 12892310915.jpg - (217.35KB , 528x624 , DSC01630 copy copy.jpg )
For the lulz, testing photoshop...still need to learn how to properly shop a beard though :I
>> No. 20

> Hey, someone cosplayed Pyro.
> Aww, Pywo is confused.
> Save image and look elsewhere for five minutes.
> Wait, someone cosplayed /Pyro/?!
>> No. 21

Oh hell nah!

((BTW, the Scrumpy looks fucking amazing. If I had that bottle I would totally fill it up with drinks at cons and carry it around like a boss))
>> No. 25
File 128924044181.jpg - (520.93KB , 667x1000 , 1288627415098.jpg )
No-one here but us Pyros
>> No. 28
May I ask where you got your supplies for your costume? (If you're the Pyro in the pic)
>> No. 32
File 128925431081.jpg - (487.27KB , 667x1000 , 1288625456655.jpg )
I'm actually the Spy in this, but I can vouch for my Pyro's materials - he handmade the Axetinguisher, the flashbangs, and the hat (and the unseen but fucking amazing oxygen tank), and the internet took care of everything else.

Here's another image, for reasons of fucking awesomeness.
>> No. 36
File 128926043335.jpg - (99.00KB , 600x800 , IMG_0539.jpg )

tru dat
>> No. 38
Well I'd really love to know where he got that jumpsuit, everytime I search for a red jumpsuit, I either get Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, or fetish sites. >_>
>> No. 39
You could try searching for coveralls or utility suits.
>> No. 47
File 12892736525.jpg - (97.65KB , 612x816 , IMG_0489.jpg )
Cute pyro bro
>> No. 48
File 128927372564.jpg - (88.25KB , 816x612 , IMG_0455.jpg )
acen dump, what? isn't that con 6 months old?
>> No. 49
File 128927376048.jpg - (88.17KB , 816x612 , IMG_0458.jpg )
maybe it is, but I would drink to it
>> No. 50
File 128927379330.jpg - (84.33KB , 816x612 , IMG_0468.jpg )
things aren't so bad with family and friends
>> No. 51
File 128927384829.jpg - (92.63KB , 816x612 , IMG_0469.jpg )
Unless your mom is a tramp. (I love you, Panda)
>> No. 52
File 128927389566.jpg - (74.38KB , 612x816 , IMG_0477.jpg )
Spy what are you doing to the dock door, your penis does not go there.
>> No. 53
File 128927401944.jpg - (96.03KB , 816x612 , IMG_0488.jpg )
Little sentry was sapped and even lvl 3 cried that day...
>> No. 54
File 128927415673.jpg - (96.00KB , 612x816 , IMG_0499.jpg )
my bro brainstem says hi. Also resizing images in paint kills the quality sooo hard on my pictures. my canon weeps.
>> No. 61
File 128927985174.jpg - (177.11KB , 500x741 , Team Creeper EDIT.jpg )
>> No. 64
Go team creeper , Go team creeper, Go team creeper GOOOOO!
>> No. 65
I'm gonna punch the shit outta that wall.
>> No. 75
File 128933919855.jpg - (56.12KB , 640x426 , 19790 - Engineer Rule_63 Scout Sniper Spy Team_For.jpg )

Hey, where did you get this?!

That's actually me as the Sniper and my lil' bro as Scout...
>> No. 76
File 128934035811.jpg - (426.59KB , 1023x682 , TF2-5.jpg )
I'll post a few things from various stuff.

Lithefider as Medic and me as Scout taken at the beginning of the year.
>> No. 77
File 128934044863.jpg - (710.01KB , 1023x682 , TF2-29.jpg )
I named him Butthead. He didn't answer to it though.
>> No. 78
File 128934087288.jpg - (179.33KB , 800x600 , Ikkicon_TF2Shoot_2.jpg )
Group shot from Ikkicon 2010. The only con you'll ever see with more BLUs than REDs.
>> No. 79
File 128934117479.jpg - (517.12KB , 800x600 , 038.jpg )
I need to make more use of my shamwow.
Anime Expo 2010
>> No. 80
File 128934131238.png - (807.52KB , 600x800 , IMG_3588.png )
Making bacon with the RED Engie at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2010.
>> No. 81
File 128934138687.png - (816.36KB , 800x600 , IMG_3577.png )
And a group shot from AWA on Saturday night. I'm done though I've got a lot more stored away.
>> No. 82
File 128934896665.jpg - (474.48KB , 960x1280 , That Mama\'s a Spy.jpg )
Dicks everywhere
>> No. 86
File 128936140945.jpg - (48.23KB , 750x600 , facepalm Facepalm.jpg )
Okay, after hours of searching on Google, I still can't find this RED Pyro suit, if anyone can find it for me (or if Juan could ask his Pyro where he got it), I will be eternally grateful.
>> No. 91
File 128937569470.jpg - (72.77KB , 500x336 , surplus of adorable.jpg )
Pepper why would you post the picture where my dreadlocks are showing.
That is so out of character.

I like this picture.
>> No. 93
File 128939077428.jpg - (429.75KB , 800x600 , tumblr_lb4iaxOMzi1qdttrw.jpg )

But soldier and medic macking is not? You so silly
>> No. 116

>> No. 121

>Post anything.

Well, I have a question, then.

If you get individual details on a cosplay wrong on purpose, like, for a budget or because you're cosplaying for fun or to be stupid, that's okay, right? Like, if you don't have the exact bag for Scout or you have a shirt with a design on it for Sniper but you're just cosplaying for fun or to add a little swagger to be cute and gay--like having a girly bag if you're being a female Scout or making fun of him--that's okay, right? I mean, I know it's not okay for a photoshoot, but it's...not considered bad, is it? Especially when it's obvious the changes you're making aren't because you're incompetent?
>> No. 130
My Engie in >>80 is incomplete and therefore far from accurate. I don't even have overalls yet. Heck even my Scout could use more accurate pants if not a few other very small things.

It's going to vary person to person on what degree of accuracy or lack there of is acceptable. But from my personal experience at cons themselves, everyone is just happy to see other fans of TF2 and we all hang out and have a blast regardless.
>> No. 170
It rubs a lot of the diehards the wrong way but I don't really care. I suppose it's all about what kind of image you want to put out- a casual, an attention whorey female, an accuracy freak who's way too much into the game, etc.
>> No. 172

Two opinions are enough to settle my mind.

Thank you, because it had been itching the back of my mind for a while, since my cosplays often have obviously changed details that I try my hardest not to let it seem I'm incompetent when it comes to the character's design. I could honestly care less about diehards, though, because even though they're great in numbers, they're few when it comes to conventions in my state. I was just wondering if overall that was a bad idea, but I'm glad to see it isn't. Thank you.
>> No. 174
File 128976328976.jpg - (167.96KB , 536x800 , b2d0d2b99c1b075d291ed91cd6838dc8.jpg )
>> No. 176

It depends. If you are going to a convention for fun, of course -- dress up in whatever you please. I would definitely encourage you to dress up when you go to conventions, because it makes the experience that much better. But if you are going for the purpose of being in cosplay, people are going to judge your work on accuracy and craftsmanship. If you attend a photoshoot, then you'd better be prepared to be criticized if you enter the lenses of the photographers. People are going to keep look at that picture of you and pick it apart. In short: if you don't want your cosplay judged, don't put yourself in those types of situations.


where's the like button
this place sucks
>> No. 193
All those costumes rock. Quick question- how did the soldier make his belt and bandolier?
>> No. 195

I'll ask her to come on here and let you know. I believe it's the green foam that you can buy at craft supply stores and JoAnns, covered in pleather. That way you get depth and width and the look without the weight. :]
>> No. 212
File 128987464981.png - (392.92KB , 671x660 , oh_no_you_didnt.png )
Okay, I really hate to sound like a snob or a jerk, but are you sure that's the same one? because the jumpsuit in >>25 and >>32 doesn't look like cotton or polyester, yet the one you link to is Polycotton. (Also, the one in the pics has two chest pockets)

Once again, I apologize if I sound like a snob, or if I sound stubborn, but I really want to be accurate, and the jumpsuit in the pictures looks extremely accurate.
>> No. 214
File 128987581743.jpg - (151.90KB , 900x598 , Pyro_vs__Fire_Hydrant__Round_1_by_tehcate.jpg )

Not OP here, but I'm almost 100% sure they're the same. I looked closely at the reference photos and at the jumpsuit linked. I used the same one (or a very similar one) for my Pyro cosplay and it turned out looking about like that in photos.

For reference, here's a shot of my Pyro with what I believe is the jumpsuit linked in the other post and in the photos. Resemblance?
>> No. 217
File 128989340971.jpg - (169.54KB , 774x1032 , Pyro_love_by_LusheetaLaputa.jpg )
Unfortunately, it is. The slight shine on my Pyro's suit came from the polyester content of the suit. If it were REALLY accurate, it would be made of pleather or rubber - pic related, the one on the left - but it isn't, and he still looked pretty fab.

And nah, you don't sound like a snob. Bit of a knob, though. herp
>> No. 220
Holy balls that's genius. And thanks a lot!
>> No. 237
Hrrm, alrighty then.

If anyone has suggestions as to where I could find a good Pyro suit, let me know. D:
>> No. 243
File 129011516311.png - (898.21KB , 687x916 , Derp.png )
Good lord, looking at all this excellence makes me wish my costume was a bit better.
But then I remember that it's my first Con and then I don't feel as bad.

But yes! This was at Halcon, it's first year, so there wasn't a lot of TF2 besides me and my roomies.

It was so much fun.
>> No. 244
What are you talking about? I like what I see! Your Equalizer is funny. Also, neat Soldier's Stash.
>> No. 262
File 129023796865.jpg - (74.10KB , 720x482 , 66031_1309405593770_1789505823_598500_7766238_n.jpg )
yo whats up.
i mean, hudda hudda huh
>> No. 294
File 129049034043.jpg - (246.25KB , 1024x768 , DSC04575.jpg )
We had a cosplay club photoshoot the other day.
Of the basically two pics I got of myself, this made me smile.
Fuck you Bro-Ohio State University.
>> No. 308
I saw your nails, then I wondered why that guy had lady nails. Then I looked at your general facial structure and was like, wait, is she a girl with a beard? Then the thought of a girl shaving her beard made me shiver and I began hoping it was a shop and I read the text. I was rather relieved.

(i.e; damn son you have some serious beard shopping skills.)
>> No. 310
File 129063410299.jpg - (186.82KB , 800x1200 , cosplay_336_full.jpg )
Did I ever tell you about the time I was a BLU Scout?
>> No. 365
File 129123794558.jpg - (324.52KB , 704x528 , DSC021033.jpg )
Derping around again, and still trying to learn how to properly shop a fucking beard.
>> No. 374
File 129130654821.jpg - (743.97KB , 1700x750 , Threesome.jpg )
Another one.
Aaah, the smell of cigarettes, aftershave and a certain french man.
>> No. 389
File 129157887945.jpg - (337.28KB , 633x844 , SAM_5798.jpg )
So, it was halloween and...
>> No. 394
I'm trying for a scout cosplay this year for Otakon. Wondering where the hell I can get his 'backpack' looking thing?

Also, the headset is going to be a little hard without actually customizing it a bit first.

Otakon doesn't allow live steel, so I'll either get a Sandman lookalike or one of the fake bats and spraypaint it metallic.
>> No. 395
Why don't you ask in our fabulous stickied thread?
>> No. 398
File 129165526720.jpg - (81.40KB , 541x720 , 27962_425838741825_613101825_5315295_6433098_n.jpg )
I found getting one of those fake red plastic bats from the dollar store, and spraying it with silver metallic krylon worked quite well, yet it does flake a bit... but the red shining through kinda makes it look like blood, so it's not that bad.

Pic related
>> No. 410
I just use a Wifflebat taped up like the Sandman. It's not the most accurate, but the yellow matches the Team Fortress 2 color scheme pretty well.
>> No. 496
Oh hey, that's me, actually. :D
I left a lot of parts of my costume at home though, so I looked pretty shit. I ended up not wearing it much because of that.

Here's a more recent shot of me from a convention in October.
>> No. 497
File 129244249370.jpg - (65.05KB , 464x696 , pyro.jpg )
Ah, oops.
>> No. 517
File 129276763470.jpg - (515.20KB , 1132x905 , PC172143.jpg )
Damn you medigun, why must you have so many odd parts and joints... Well, at least from here it's a whole bunch of small parts and the handle
>> No. 518
File 12927780864.jpg - (55.32KB , 411x315 , medic3.jpg )
Back from this past ACen. Mind the obnoxious photoshop, was originally going to be made into a comic by a friend of mine.
>> No. 521
File 129278239359.gif - (402.82KB , 312x172 , 204kdf.gif )
Those proportions my god

People like you give me hope.
>> No. 522
The whole thing is wood? How heavy is it?
>> No. 546
File 12930873486.jpg - (250.73KB , 669x500 , IMG_0186.jpg )
I just got sock garters for my RED Spy cosplay and they're GORGEOUS. I have to show them off somewhere. I don't care if no one will technically be seeing them. I'm a sucker for authenticity. (That, and c'mon; sock garters are fucking awesome.)
>> No. 547
>>546 I've been meaning to buy some myself! Fffff my god they are hot. Are those from Sockdreams? I was going to get suspender clip ones as I am worried the typical garter nubs won't hold all socks...
>> No. 555
Lovvvve sock garters. I haven't yet seen a Spy cosplayer showing them off. Lovely!
>> No. 556
They are from Sockdreams! I got them as an early Christmas present from a fellow cosplayer friend. They're the nubs and they seem to be holding up the socks just fine. I have yet to wear them for an extended period of time, but they've done well so far!
>> No. 559
File 129344949246.jpg - (54.17KB , 604x453 , 74488_10150094111307457_719167456_7578252_6516627_.jpg )
Spahs-and-their-high-socks - a new meme?
>> No. 567
File 129352537721.jpg - (245.89KB , 850x638 , Pyros5.jpg )

Sweet Pyro lovin'.
>> No. 568
File 129352560373.jpg - (159.69KB , 960x636 , RED16.jpg )
I'm the Pyro.


ACen '10 TF2 photoshoot was amazing.
>> No. 569
File 129352567696.jpg - (241.01KB , 850x638 , Red3.jpg )
Sexy RED ladies.
>> No. 572
oh my god i do not remember doing this. lollin'.

... laughing more at the blu spy's face in the background.
>> No. 600

He's totally grooving on it.
>> No. 603
File 129400437013.jpg - (52.79KB , 375x500 , 00.jpg )
Old pic of me as scout xP wore it for Halloween, but never got to wear it to a con or anything :c

If I get to go to a con though I'm gonna take lots of fanservice pics with other classes hopefully c:
>> No. 632

Them emotes.
>> No. 655
File 12944582656.jpg - (262.41KB , 533x800 , DSC 4542.jpg )
My darl' as BLU Spy...goddamn, I'm glad that the jacket is finally sewn and finished, now we just need to finish my RED Engie completely.

Picture taken by me~
>> No. 660
File 129449732675.jpg - (106.46KB , 720x540 , 33822_167846859924802_100000984662243_344758_21530.jpg )
>> No. 662
You, anon, are great.
I, however, am horribly biased.
>> No. 666
File 129453224279.jpg - (66.73KB , 640x480 , gendo_gineer.jpg )
ha ha ha ha, Is surprises me that I was there for 40%+ of these pictures. Or at least at their conventions.
>> No. 669

Biased towards...? (if I may ask)

Maybe later I'll make a tutorial on how I made da fish, for future milkmans.
>> No. 682
File 129458723995.jpg - (92.80KB , 720x540 , meetdasoldier.jpg )
>> No. 683
File 129458727212.jpg - (96.09KB , 540x720 , baww.jpg )
>> No. 684
File 129458729314.jpg - (88.22KB , 540x720 , ohyou.jpg )
>> No. 687
File 129460436157.jpg - (44.20KB , 604x453 , broslaps.jpg )
I still smile every time I see this picture.
>> No. 692
File 129463391651.jpg - (64.42KB , 636x960 , Spy5.jpg )
Awesome RED Spy is awesome.
>> No. 717
File 129477009397.jpg - (61.56KB , 720x479 , 163081_1770600662125_1152493377_3689098_5221568_n.jpg )
Can you find the Spy?
>> No. 735
GTFO my city, lol.
>> No. 740
File 129488932956.jpg - (228.39KB , 900x600 , grenades.jpg )
Somebody set up us the bomb.
>> No. 741
File 129491518668.jpg - (94.49KB , 720x540 , 149434_493404249611_702854611_7037332_2211753_n.jpg )
a small group from a past con
>> No. 761
File 129519208630.jpg - (445.81KB , 960x2300 , francis approves.jpg )
Am I the only one to notice this?
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