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File 129825327496.jpg - (58.28KB , 938x248 , sacconnewheader.jpg )
1026 No. 1026
Anyone going?
I'm going, but.. May be something other than my RED Spy..
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>> No. 1061
wow this is 15 minutes from me

if I have time I might swing by with a Minttu~
>> No. 1064
Holy Sniperdiles.
We should meet. ; u; Just for the win of things.
>> No. 1072
File 129876925766.jpg - (678.59KB , 1416x1584 , Sniper Heavy.jpg )
I'd love to go, I had an awesome time at the previous SacAnime, but I just lost my job and can't afford the admission.

Musch love from RED Heavy tho
>> No. 1076
Awwwwwwwww Noooo!

I was the Spy at SacAnime, tha RED one.

Too bad you can't come. ]: I hope all goes well.
>> No. 1102
we should plan to meet up somewhere. Minttu and I will be there around noon or 1 or so, and I'll be in costume (RED sniper)

hope to see ya around~

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