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File 130049214594.png - (339.87KB , 900x198 , Am2 banner.png )
1139 No. 1139
I can't go to AX (thanks a lot mom and dad...) so I'm going here instead. Any one else going so I don't feel like the only loser here...
>> No. 1141
Oh, wow, the same weekend as AX too?
And in it's old spot?

Huh, odd.
At any rate, my friend has mentioned going and I might join her.
We're doing AX for sure and that's our main priority, but we do wanna check this out.
No guarantees though.
>> No. 1277
Pretty sure my team and I are going. Though this time I'm probably going to be a FemSoldier instead of being Medic.
>> No. 1796
Sage since AM2 and AX is happening in a little over a week. I'll be attending on Friday the 1st.
>> No. 1799
I MIGHT be going on Saturday with a few friends in my Scout's Ma cosplay.

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