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File 130214962478.png - (144.39KB , 800x363 , 800px-Wiki_scattergun.png )
1248 No. 1248
k so I'm new but want help. Going to cosplay as Scout and need a few tips to make the costume perfect.
An easy place to get the headset?
An easy way to make the scattergun?
>> No. 1250
Okay: Best bet is to use PVC, wood, lots of wood glue,and some superglue for the Scattergun. I'll see if my roommate kept the link to the tutorial she used to make a prop shotgun. If all else

Pants are easy to get if you've got a sports store near by. Used/new black baseball pants, cleats/running shoes, the cap, and long white socks can all usually be bought there for a reasonable price.

Think there's a tutorial on the board for the headset...not certain, it's the one part of my costume I've yet to make. If all else fails, be lazy and use the head piece that comes with the X-Box...It's not perfect, but a good stop gap for testing things out.

That help?
>> No. 2662

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