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File 130327852326.gif - (76.73KB , 999x142 , banner2011theme.gif )
1314 No. 1314
It's this weekend and I could've sworn there was already a thread for it.
So uh, last minute check for anyone who's going to be there?
I'll be BLU Scout with a RED intel I've been working on the past couple of days if not my half done BLU Engie as well.
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>> No. 1316
I'm going to be a RED Soldier on Saturday or Sunday. Anyone know if there's going to be a TF2 meetup or photoshoot?
>> No. 1319
I haven't heard anything about an actual gathering or photoshoot but if anyone sees me and my buddy Lithe-Fider around, let us know!
Otherwise, I suppose we'll see who we see.
>> No. 1333
I saw so many great cosplays! Did anyone see the female heavy? She was walking around with the scout, and the two of them played the parts so well!
>> No. 1339
Anyone have pictures from Friday? I heard there was a gathering but I could only be there on Sat/Sun.

...I may have been that really tall RED Sniper who didn't have a vest ready on Saturday...
>> No. 1340
I was only there to see a friend but I'm pretty sure I saw you coming out of an elevator and said you were a spy!

There was a great BLU medic and engie walking around the mall too
>> No. 1343
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That was likely me and Lithe. Or at least the great Medic was likely her.

We had a sort of impromptu gathering Friday night when Buff Scout (that's what I called him at least) and his female Heavy said they wanted one. Unfortunately we didn't get everyone that was there in the pics as it was hard to spread the word.
I do have some pics but mostly ones Lithe and I took Sunday afternoon when we went to Fenway. Here's a group shot from Friday at least.
>> No. 1344
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I'll go ahead and pic spam for a bit.

RED team.
>> No. 1345
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BLU team.
>> No. 1346
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Buff Scout and me. Also, what appears to be a Spy decloaking right behind us.
>> No. 1347
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This Pyro had an awesome backburner and I wish I could've talked to them some more but I was so busy at our booth.
>> No. 1348
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Lithe's Medic and the steampunk Medic that was running around.
>> No. 1349
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I love finding little brothers!
>> No. 1350
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And this is all I've got from the con itself.
If anyone else has any pics definitely feel free to share!

I understand we had at least one of every class over the entire weekend though I never saw any Soldiers myself and only ran into the Demo after she had changed.
>> No. 1371
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My buddy wasn't too good at taking pictures, but here's me, Lithe-Fider, and little Scoot derping around. If only to have a Sniper represented here.
>> No. 1373
buff 30 year old scout is a weirdo
>> No. 1384
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I was a red scout (The one with the green and black hair and the left 4 dead bag near the front) I have moer pictures on my facebook if anyone wants to see them
>> No. 1386
I dunno, I kinda like the idea of a buffer scout. Looks like he could really smash someone's skull in! A lot of great cosplays there. I think steampunk medic was very creative!
>> No. 1389
that's nice, I also like the idea of engie running around with a huge stiffy the whole game but I'm not going to cosplay that because that's not what he looks like WHICH IS THE POINT OF COSPLAY
>> No. 1390
Implying that (mostly) young women dressing up as middle aged mercenaries doesn't involve completely "incorrect" body types in most cosplays to begin with.

Yes, having the body type of your character does add a little something extra to an already good cosplay, but body type is by no means a set-in-stone basis on which to argue that a particular cosplay is bad.
>> No. 1391
Does anyone know where I can find some of the people that were there to talk to them again (DA, facebook, steam? anything?) everyone was so awesome but I didn't get anyone's info D: (not to sound like a stalker or anything but I miss you guys ;3; )
>> No. 1393
"Buff Scout" is actually a relative of mine. We go to Anime Boston together every year and he knew I was cosplaying from TF2, so he did closet cosplay to match. It was very last-minute.

Also, if you're looking for the rest of the photoshoot people, you can always hit up the boards on Anime Boston's site? (I'm looking for the male RED Sniper from Friday, he was fun to talk to and seemed like a nice guy.)
>> No. 1400
Some of us are right here obviously. Though I don't personally have anyone's contact info other than Lithe's (BLU Spy/Medic) naturally. Sorry I can't be more help.

He hit a lot closer than a lot of closet Scouts I've seen. More so he was a fun, energetic and friendly guy to hang out with so tell him I said hey man. I take it you were the female Heavy? You were both awesome people. It was cool to meet you guys.

Also you guys, Lithe put up her Anime Boston con video and of course it's got a lot of TF2 related footage so check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB1D8I3vJls&feature=channel_video_title
>> No. 1417
Will do. And yup, I was the Hoovy. (Though my bullets were slowly but surely getting destroyed throughout the day.) I enjoyed meeting you and Lithe-Fider, too. Everyone at that shoot was fantastic!
>> No. 1747
@ the Spy and Scout seen together in many of these pictures

Were you two working a booth at some point? I think I remember getting your pictures and some witty banter.
>> No. 1818
Whoops, late reply.
Lithe was helping me work my dad's booth, yes. If you've got pics or video feel free to share.

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