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File 130384389338.jpg - (98.28KB , 600x450 , 030.jpg )
1351 No. 1351
Admittedly I don't generally see my work meriting a new thread here but I had a recent 3-day build of some RED intel, some awesome pics at Fenway, and plans for working on a Special Delivery set. So I figured maybe I finally had enough material to start this back up again.

First things first, a show of the dinky RED intel I cobbled together in about half an hour at Anime Expo last year when they wouldn't let me carry my Scout pistol around, vs the intel I made for Anime Boston.
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>> No. 1352
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The intel is made from a sizeable box I had laying around left over from Christmas shipping still. I like to work in cardboard honestly so I've got quite a bit stock piled for various projects.

The first thing I did was recess the piece that was going to become the front lock panel. Then I added the 'ridges' on both sides, and then cut a hole in the back so that it can ride on my Scout bag.
>> No. 1353
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Here's a shot of the bag resting inside the back of the box so you can get an idea of how it works. There is nothing else holding this thing onto my back but the bag that I already wear for my Scout cosplays. That gives it a genuine in-game look of being suspended on my back.
>> No. 1354
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I cut slits partway down the sides of the box so that I could stick papers out of it when using it for photos but not have them be a permanent fixture so that they didn't get ripped or wrinkled so much during transporting. I fly to every convention I go to unless it's in town and I have to count this thing as a carry-on.

Each page has the Aperture logo in the corner and says "potato" over and over again on it.
>> No. 1355
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I used adhesive velcro on the flaps in the back so that I can open it up to more easily fit the bag inside as well as carry a few light items inside when needed. I also saved the piece I cut away so that I can reattach it and carry the intel by its handle without having a huge gaping hole to worry about.
>> No. 1356
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Now to spam some pics I took with LitheFider while we were in Boston.

Heres her Spy in our room Sunday morning.
>> No. 1357
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Obviously I love the ducks at the Public Gardens so I had to get a shot with them. I'm going to pretend that Valve made a conscious choice to give Scout seven brothers because there's eight ducklings here.
>> No. 1358
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Maskless Spy (so as not to scare the kids and tourists any further than we already had) on the duck as well.
>> No. 1359
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We took Lithe's intel with us to Fenway just in case the rain actually decided to do anything more than spit on us.
>> No. 1360
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More Fenway shots.
>> No. 1361
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Running photos are tough.
>> No. 1362
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Graffiti = free backdrop.
>> No. 1363
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Then it was Lithe's turn.
>> No. 1364
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More Lithe.
>> No. 1365
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Thanks to RobotLyra for helping us take these last few pics!
>> No. 1366
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Thanks to RobotLyra for helping us take these last few pics!
>> No. 1367
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Thanks to RobotLyra for helping us take these last few pics!
>> No. 1368
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Thanks to RobotLyra for helping us take these last few pics!

And I'm done for now. I'll try to be sure to share WIP shots of my next prop builds that I hope to start this week and have done in time for Anime Central.
>> No. 1472
awww shoulda made sexy cop scoot.
>> No. 1711
File 130748193365.png - (442.76KB , 700x525 , 006.png )
Working on my Holy Mackerel. I plan to use foam for the final product. I'm moving on up the cosplay materials ladder, aw yeah.

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