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File 130429762140.png - (165.56KB , 321x500 , Engiwithdispenser.png )
1394 No. 1394
Is anyone here able to tell me how to make a dispenser? I thought of several ideas, like using a backpack or a suitcase but I have no plan what actually WORKS. What did you use for your dispenser? Can anyone help out? Would be wonderful!
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>> No. 1397
File 130435598134.jpg - (141.26KB , 347x644 , bzzzzz.jpg )
Get a rolling suitcase in the color of your team.

Get some craft foam and buttons and stuff

start erectin'
>> No. 1404
Thanks for the hints! How did you do the designs on the dispenser, if I may ask?
>> No. 1406
File 130451417398.jpg - (255.99KB , 849x598 , Luggage_dispenser.jpg )
Here's a few plans I did for mine.
>> No. 1408
File 130451442377.jpg - (89.40KB , 768x1024 , SDC11694.jpg )
I made mine with pvc Plastic and Sign foam, personally. The ammo belt is made from a ribbon of card board and foam blocks.
>> No. 1410
File 130451505437.jpg - (37.28KB , 390x326 , bully.jpg )
Get some printer cloth from your local fabric store. I love this stuff for emblems and logos and such because you can print them out with surprising detail and just cut them out. for the actual images I suggest Tf2wiki.net or just Gary's Mod.


http://fc09.Sparkledog Central.net/fs32/f/2008/200/0/a/TF2_Dispenser_Wallpaper_by_Mondak.jpg
>> No. 1411
That's what I was thinking, too, but our printer can't print in color. Any other options?
>> No. 1412
Well what I did with this one >>1397
was cut out the top pocket of the suitcase, put a piece of plexiglass over the hole from the inside, and put a printed piece of photo paper (glossy so it looks nice against the glass) to put inside, facing out. I'd suggest just putting the images on a cd or a flash drive and taking them to kinkos to print them out there. Shouldn't set you back more than a couple bucks at the most.

What I really liked about the suitcase was the outer cloth material all over it because it takes to hot glue REALLY well. Just be super careful about dripping or misfires because that shit won't come out.
>> No. 1453
File 130543593190.jpg - (88.07KB , 638x960 , 193183_10150142602896471_655181470_6967116_7557973.jpg )
Did someone say dispenser?

I used mainly wood, pexiglass for the screen, and pvc piping for the health tank.

Yes the screen lights up, yes the mid compartment opens for the storage of drinks n snax.

And I'm still working on it, attend Anime Central for its 1.5 reveal. Gotta lotta nit picky detail fixes to buff out.

Heavy as hell to pull on it's wheels after awhile in it's 1.0 state, but if it didn't hurt it wouldn't be science.
>> No. 1457

Can I ask what dimensions you ued for your dispenser? It looks absolutly fantastic!
>> No. 1468

Don't just ask how big something is. If it comes up to Engie's waist, then measure to your waist. If it comes up to his chin, then measure to your chin.

If you use the proportions in the picture that was posted, it's going to look really fucking weird, because those don't even line up within the picture. There's no internal scale and the angle is weird as hell.
>> No. 1812
Hey Bunny its Ki, Smashes friend from AX last year. Im using hte gun i made for Smash and going as heavy this year, will i be seeing you?
>> No. 1832
Hey you! Yeah, I'll be going this year! You coming to the Meet right?

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