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File 128975636842.png - (23.83KB , 246x239 , Otakon2011.png )
173 No. 173
Who's coming,who's not coming, and were are y'all comin' from?
18 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 1893
I was the 6'5" black spy from last year. I'll be going again! and i'll be going as the spy again, but hopefully with better props this time and with a less messy/disgusting balaclava :D
>> No. 1895
I'm so disappointed our hopes were up then you couldn't come Duckie :( awww....well I'll take lots of pics for you!

I look forward to seein you all there! I'll be Medic on Friday and Tentaspy/Spy on Saturday.

These are the shoot times:

1.) Outdoor Shoot - FRIDAY - HILTON COURTYARD. MEET at the right side of Registration in that open hallway, starting around 4:30 PM. We'll embark for the Hilton spot over the sky walk at 5:00 sharp

The spot: We'll be having it in the Hilton Hotel courtyard like last year - it's a quick walk over the indoor sky walk, has a lot of room, and has shade in the afternoon. You can see the location in the video from last year HERE.

We're meeting on the RIGHT side of Registration (right as you walk up the big stairs), in that big hallway side area by the windows. I'd love to walk over together again - gathering creates interest so anyone who wants to follow can (as at the final location we won't really have walk-by viewing traffic) and it also gathers stragglers who might not have heard of the shoot (not everyone who cosplays goes on here).


2.) Indoor Shoot - SATURDAY - INDOOR FOUNTAINS, 2:00 PM.

For those who can't make it on Friday, or don't want to be outside cause of heat. Also we'll get a lot more photos here but it'll be noisier and more crowded. Expect to relocate after the shoot for hanging out time for those who wanna chill (I know a bunch of us know each other from the TF2 online community)

Come to both of course if you want!
>> No. 1896
Also portal/L4D is welcome at the shoots. Come one Valve-cosplayers come all!
>> No. 1901
I was the male BLU Scout at AWA. I'll be at Otakon this year.

I wanted to go Spy (have the costume and everything) but I don't want to wear that suit in the heat. I would have had RED Intel briefcase, but it got destroyed. :(
>> No. 1906
I can't go, I'm going to SIGGRAPH. Everybody take lots of pictures and have fun!
>> No. 1908
File 131155572423.png - (27.25KB , 490x308 , Otakon\'11 forcast.png )
>> No. 1909

FUUUuuuuu....I was hoping the heat would break. Well, at least the outside shoot is in the shade and is in the afternoon...maybe if anything we can change it to even later in the day? Like in hopes that it'd be less hot around 7 or something... (I'm just thinking of the poor Pyros, Medics, and Spy's who will be in the worst). We'll see. Just most people know the times by now is all. Well we ARE gathering inside at 4:30-5:00, if it's blisteringly hot I will have us stay inside and just migrate all somewhere for shots inside. Cause last thing I want is people (especially Pyros) being uncomfortable.
>> No. 1911
Don't forget us Demos - especially those of us dumb enough to make our vests out of fleece pullovers.
>> No. 1912
apparently now it is /friday/ that will be the hottest day,temp 103F with a heat index of 124.97F. Saturday will be 100 with Heat index of 116.33. I'll update the graphic Tuesday night or Wednesday morning again before I leave.
>> No. 1919
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>> No. 1920
Fuck you, forecast. I can't have that much rain and hot while I'm in the heaviest costume I've ever wore, wtf.

The party starts tonight, bitches, who's excited?
>> No. 1921
i'm so excited since the SDCC meet got fucked over.

i'll be the giant sniper towing a lolita around
>> No. 1922
File 131189358495.png - (102.88KB , 263x303 , tumblr_lmgctufVfQ1qd1ji4.png )
I will be there hopefully at both these shoots and meet-ups.

I won't be in costume this year but HunterV and I have prepared a surprise.

Heh heh heh heh heh.
>> No. 1925
I was going to go as Miss Pauling but couldn't get a costume in time. But I just want to say that I went this morning to the con and love the TF2 costumes I've seen so far. Hope I get to meet some of you while I'm here.
>> No. 1930
Black spy here!

nice meeting you all! shame the buttons were ripped off my jacket but it held together.

i'm most likely gonna plain-clothes it tomorrow.

or hunter if i can find duct tape :P
>> No. 1933
oh hey man, i was that sniper that was hanging out near you before the shoot.

i didn't realise you could put psuedonyms on the badges so i'm putting HYDRA on it tommorow

and lithe, you did an awesome job of mustering us
>> No. 1944
I missed Friday's shoot unfortunately, but it was great seeing a bunch of you at Saturday's shoot! I was the Scout's Mom with the mop and apron, and if you were a scout or just looking dismayed I may have given you a chocolate chip cookie from Scout's lunch bag that I packed for him.

(If you were in the artist's alley on Friday or Saturday nights, you might also have seen me zipping about as a RED Scout's Mom with a slightly shorter, flirtier wig, but I only wore REDma for a short while.)

Unfortunately I didn't take a single picture at the con this year, so I don't have any to share, but I can't wait to see what everyone posts! TF2 is still some of the most fun I've ever had cosplaying.
>> No. 1948
Yeah, I missed Saturday's shoot. I'm so sad about that, really. ;-; But I was a BLU Scout with both the sandman and force-a-nature. (And pony tail) It was fun seeing all of you!
>> No. 1950

an otakon news story starring Hydra as the australian interviewee and Lithe as the creepy maksed thing in a passing shot
>> No. 1957
I was there as the Blu Scout with the bat, and Soda Popper (the one with the purple crush). It was really exciting to get into the shoot Friday, and I was really pleased to see how nice all of you were. I would've kept cosplaying for the rest of the con, but my headset was really painful to wear, and cleats on concrete for 10 hours straight killed my feet. I AM A FAGGOT HUMP MY RUMP
>> No. 1958
File 131223594745.jpg - (429.71KB , 1572x980 , Scout Mama Appears!.jpg )
Shoot organizer here! WHAT A HUGE TURNOUT not to mention the Portal people, SO EPIC. Thanks so much for coming!

>>1950 That's me as Tentaspy! HOLY SHIT I'm in an ABC news REPORT montage?! I feel amazing now, and my face, so priceless. It's so perfectly Spy 'innocent' rape face.

Sorry about any confusion btw about Friday, no one else had a problem far as I know so I do apologize and if it happened to anyone else.

We got some great pics of you on Saturday and for how many were take of us by the fountains there gotta be more floating around. For now I attached a great one of you!
>> No. 1960
Nemesis Scout here. Meetups were a grand 'ol time. Glad I got to meet a lot of you guys. Did anybody manage to grab a solo or smaller group photo with me in it? I should've dragged my camera buddy with me.
>> No. 1963

digitalduckie, you're totally on the news!
>> No. 1965
Here are my photos. Most of them are from the shoot on Friday, but I took individual shots of any TF2 people I came across as well. I also posted them on the cosplay.com thread for those of you who saw them over there: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/214624/

I was the Lederhosen Medic on Friday and the Medic with the brown Vintage Tyrolean on my head on Saturday.
>> No. 1969
File 131233766563.jpg - (42.05KB , 720x540 , tf2shootfri.jpg )
A tight shot from Friday. You were all lovely. I wish I could have made the Saturday shoot. You all look like you had a blast.
>> No. 1974
File 131247031238.jpg - (148.66KB , 1024x768 , Tentaspy and Mermaid.jpg )
I had to take a picture of this.
>> No. 1978
File 131254534243.jpg - (7.51KB , 150x113 , world__s_cutest_engie_by_ladyrhianwriter-d42bi7x.jpg )
I was there, got a massive blister, so I missed Sunday's con and hung out at the hotel. But I was there for Saturday...

My pictures are up on DA, under LadyRhianwriter. On Friday, I was on line to get into the Dealer's Room with the world's cutest Engie...
>> No. 1981
>>1974 FFttt yes! I remember her, her tail was very nice. I was water-creatue-geeking out.

I have not gotten my pics up yet, but my otakon mix video is here! http://youtu.be/pURg-k39kP4 I shall post a separate video of all the raw TF2 shoot footage today or tomorrow. I am so impressed that we even had a MISS PAULING. She had a clipboard with very appropriate things on it too, I loled reading it (it included things like 'watch the idiots, take notes on the idiots...etc' )

I also have pics of my tentaspy costume here if you are curious for more: http://www.cosplay.com/costume/351710/ Did anyone get video of me BTW? I got almost no video of it.
>> No. 1982

Lithe, your Tentaspy costume makes me weep massive tears of joy. I love it so much. You have everything that I love about Tentaspies. Don't ever stop being awesome. EVER.
>> No. 1987
File 131265772614.jpg - (820.81KB , 2592x1944 , DSCN3548.jpg )
Pic dump?
>> No. 1988
File 131265776440.jpg - (840.09KB , 2592x1944 , DSCN3549.jpg )
Pic dump!
>> No. 1989
File 131265795119.jpg - (936.77KB , 2592x1944 , DSCN3567.jpg )
If any of these pictures are you guys and you want them gone, I'll delete them and never share them again if you ask.

Also there's a file size limit I was previously unaware of.
>> No. 1990
File 131265817444.jpg - (900.33KB , 2592x1944 , DSCN3605.jpg )
>> No. 1991
File 131265832710.jpg - (862.85KB , 2592x1944 , DSCN3590.jpg )
I'm so sorry these pictures are so huge. I'll fix that before I post more.
>> No. 1993
Whoever did this wins forever.
>> No. 1994
File 131268878355.jpg - (133.20KB , 332x384 , lonepauling.jpg )
Dumpity dump dump.
>> No. 1995
File 131269000459.jpg - (239.87KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0842.jpg )
>> No. 2020
finally, i am clearly visible
>> No. 2028
File 131306628850.jpg - (920.62KB , 3575x877 , 6019108712_08c7ff7152_resized.jpg )
Found some nice shots of the whole groups, including portal and Left 4 Dead! The original files are HUGE, but I left one attached to this message (reduced in size) to show you the great panoramic views. Sadly I'm not in the group shot, it was before I plunked myself down in there (I was still making the photo takers all back their asses up I think. Yelling things like 'I know we're highly attractive fellows but please back up! Thank you!' LOL )

Group shots start here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jim3535/6018503899/in/set-72157627345371920

Some individual shots of Femme Solider / her Demo and also my friend as Engineer start here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jim3535/6011132224/in/set-72157627345371920
Speaking of AMAZING photos you gotta check out fearless BLU and RED Team leaders's photos, mostly of BLU team and Asher/Myself as tentaspy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zoroko/sets/72157627204435315/with/6000140378/
>> No. 2035
File 131338236795.jpg - (608.12KB , 1024x768 , IMG_1943 small.jpg )
I've finally made it back from post-Ota vacation to share my pics I took at both shoots.(Excitement!)

>> No. 2038
Yeah, I'm visible in one of those. Standing in the back of all those photo-shoots was clearly a mistake.
>> No. 2040
Ah, which one?

I just remember...you were the one conducting MtMedic in his maniacal laughter, right?
That made me happy.
>> No. 2041
No, I was a Sniper. I was told to stand in the back because I was tall and no one can see me.
>> No. 2378
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>> No. 2387
File 132511062110.jpg - (286.61KB , 1280x848 , Mermaid and Tentaspy Otakon 2011.jpg )

I'll double down your mermaid and raise you a Tentaspy
>> No. 2464
you took a photo

of my butt

>> No. 2478
yay tentaspy
>> No. 2480
Hey, Tentaspy, do you wear your costume to the con? I'd like to do something like it, but I'm worried people'll step on the tentacles.
>> No. 2570
Funny enough I've never had a problem, tho I also do avoid crowded areas or have friends / myself carry the loose ones in cramped spots (or on rough surfaces). I guess people usually give the tentacle monster a wide berth :P
>> No. 2599

Er, I'm sorry. I'm not sure which photo you're referring to, but I assure you I wasn't intentionally focusing on anyone's butt. I did get some admittedly awkward photos due to bad timing/placement. I know I ended up with a few featuring Lithe from behind or weirdly in frame just because she kept popping up all over the place. Additionally, I was a little shy at Friday's shoot and a lot "sitting on the floor in a crowd and can't move" at Saturday's shoot, so those contributed to some odd shots after people scattered. (The latter situation did land me an epic laughing Medic shot, however.)

But, hey, lemme know about any photos you think are exceedingly awkward or not very useful as a photo and I can take them out. After cons, I'm prone to making mistakes, from leaving in obviously crappy shots to leaving out a whole photoshoot set.
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