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File 130928411911.jpg - (30.71KB , 248x340 , 34602813.jpg )
1833 No. 1833
I've been trying to put together a Engie cosplay for my local con, but have had a heck of a hard time finding overalls that a)are accurate and b)fit me.

But after about a week and a half of scouring all over my area, I've found two sets of overalls that both have different trade-offs.

One is accurate and cheap, but are really large on me, while the other isn't as accurate and much more expensive, but fit me properly.

Which one should I get? Any help would be great!
>> No. 1834
buy accurate ones, get them tailored.
>> No. 1835
make them :V
>> No. 1837
I second this.
Accurate and cheap are pros that are too huge to pass up.
>> No. 1840
Okay! Thank you for the help!

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