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File 131173665162.jpg - (50.67KB , 327x124 , dragoncon.jpg )
1913 No. 1913
It's the time again, chan. Who is all going? We better start putting together a time and meeting place. ((Do we want to make a general valve meetup?)) I'll be wearing BLU spy like I usually do.

Also my usual cosplay group and I ((Drill, Citadel, Swoz, Leaux, Faust)) want to be part of the Parade this year and are trying to pull other people together to join us and have a big fat team fortress group walk down Peach Tree st. If you are interested post here. We want to gauge interest before committing a group to the parade.

Captcha: nereds selfish RUDE CAPTCHA, RUDE.
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>> No. 1915
File 131173682278.png - (131.18KB , 700x500 , 130000284629.png )
>> No. 1916
Also, just throwing this out there.

Last years meetup was held on the 10th floor of the Marriott. It seemed to work pretty well as it's out of the way but easily accessible. Would a friday late afternoon meetup work for most? Or saturday afternoon?

-I'm trying to keep the parade time in mind with this and how exhausted folks would be afterwards if we get good numbers to participate-
>> No. 1917
I suggest right after, cause I want my bald cap to still look decent :I
>> No. 1923
I'll be there (Will be a RED Sniper, female though) and a friend of mine is going to be BLU Scout. Just give us a heads up on where everyone will meet and we'll try to be there.
>> No. 1959
seriously, no one else? not like this is one of the biggest cons in the nation or anything.
>> No. 2076
Already posted in the parade thread, but since these two threads were started by different people, thought it couldn't hurt to post here too.

Myself and my best bud would love to join the meetup, if that's alright. We're coming as BLU Medic and BLU Scout. Looking forward to this little meet-n-greet!

Also, oh, captcha. "piesited". Because we all know that dirty little rumor about the cake...
>> No. 2114
I was there as a female BLU Spy in a totally shit costume.

And I got horribly tongue-tied the second another Spy actually spoke to me.
>> No. 2116
Well, chan, I shall be heading back to the con today in costume. Anyone else?

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