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File 131208327836.png - (458.62KB , 500x587 , tumblr_lnf9c4iaXY1qd4n1t.png )
1937 No. 1937
it's time for props by pepper

this was my first prop ever so it's very off model sob
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>> No. 1938
File 131208334914.jpg - (77.80KB , 960x1280 , tumblr_lni3h1BbP41qdapvu.jpg )
>> No. 1939
File 131208337880.jpg - (78.04KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_lnhk3xaJoQ1qdapvu.jpg )
>> No. 1940
File 131208350541.jpg - (95.99KB , 960x1280 , tumblr_lp6gi7uFjO1qdapvu.jpg )
kukri: white edition

also if you ordered a prop from me, i apologize for my lack of updates on your prop. i've been going through some personal issues like being kicked out of the house, anxiety, stress, forgetting to take meds etc

i'm not very professional
>> No. 1941
It looks excellent
>> No. 1942
They look good to me. I love the Kukri. I'd ask you if you could make me one of them and how much too, but I don't want to keep you stressed.
>> No. 1954
File 131221221674.jpg - (86.99KB , 640x480 , tumblr_lp8jmhVWxE1qdtkjx.jpg )
kukri: finished edition
>> No. 1955
Yep, I'd ask you to make me a kukri if you could.
>> No. 1956
Hit enter to soon. I was going to say it looked awsome as well.
>> No. 1973
File 131242847273.jpg - (97.69KB , 1024x768 , tumblr_lpchv0QIrs1qdapvu.jpg )
I could, but I'm not accepting commissions right now. I have seven props I need to finish, and five of them are overdue oh dear I am very bad at being professional

Though I am thinking of opening an etsy shop and selling the extra props that I make here and there.

sorry for the shitty quality photos. all I have is a phone camera.

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