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File 131216130342.png - (327.51KB , 719x704 , DesertMarauder.png )
1947 No. 1947
Hey guys, quick question.

How do I make the Sniper's vest? I've looked it up and I have no clue where to start. Is there a similar vest that I can modify? If not, how can I sew my own?

Thanks in advance! :)
>> No. 1962
Looks like a vest you would take duck hunting to me. Something like this? http://infoark.org/InfoArk/Sustainability/Mother%20Earth%20News/80/MEN_CD/mendemo/dcd/083/083-182-01.htm
>> No. 1964
The problem with most vest patterns online is that none of them have that high collar the Sniper's has.

It's not exactly professional at all, but I took an old collared shirt that I didn't want anymore and cut it up/pinned it into a vest shape that fit my body correctly. I used that as a base and traced out pattern pieces onto paper. Then I transferred the pattern shapes onto some appropriately colored brown cloth, sewed the pieces together on a sewing machine, and voila.

I'm not sure if anyone's ever mentioned a standard way of making Sniper's darn vest.
>> No. 2049
looking at the link Schatzi gave, you could add a high collar to the vest, but the question that should be asked is how it will work out...

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