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File 131247353699.jpg - (156.91KB , 500x333 , 4948839643_ebe6b50eae.jpg )
1975 No. 1975
Yes, there is already a D*C thread, but I need to signal boost this HARD.

I just got confirmation from the D*C parade staff, and I have successfully registered a TF2 group for the parade on Saturday morning! If you are attending, have a TF2 costume, and would like to participate, PLEASE let me know! I need a headcount so they know how many to expect from our group. Also if you could email me at tw9151@bigfoot.com, it would help me keep track of the number of people to expect!

Thanks and I hope to see some of you there!
>> No. 1984
I'll be there along with two buddies of mine. I"ll send ya an email soon for head counts.
>> No. 2027
>> No. 2039
Oh wow, neat! I'll probably be in line for my badge during the parade sadly, but I will be at the Valve gathering later as Gordon Freeman.

I hope to see a lot of people there, but I don't know that it will break the AX'10 record I set last year with mine and Pillz's gathering.

>> No. 2052
When is the Valve gathering, I have sadly forgot when it is.
>> No. 2056
There is a meetup scheduled for saturday 3:15pm on the 10th floor of the Marriott. There are apparently two special guests that might be coming...? I don't know what the hell that could entail but we'll see.

Also it was scheduled by and is supposed to be run by someone who, according to her own description of herself, has never run a meetup before and absolutely hates the tf2 fandom, so more than likely I will be shamelessly hijacking the photoshoot.
>> No. 2059
are we still on fir the parade?
>> No. 2062
uh do you see indication that we wouldn't be

the group is up to about 20 people now
>> No. 2075
Hi! Myself and a friend (both long time lurkers) would love to join the group, if that's alright! We'll be BLU Medic and BLU Scout. I'll drop you an email as well, just to be sure.

LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO! WOOHOO! Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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