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File 131251397669.jpg - (52.65KB , 500x398 , kcon.jpg )
1977 No. 1977
It's that time of year again, we have less than a month till the date. Who's going, who's not going, what are you going as, and do you even know what I'm talking about?
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>> No. 2057
Wow there are people that exist in le chan that go there, too? I think I'm going to faint.

I'm going as RED Medic. I am currently dying from the stress of trying to finish the Medigun and Medipack.
>> No. 2073
Lawl, yeah. I just need to put my patches on my Fem!Demo and I'm all done.
>> No. 2126
let's get some pictures up in hurr
>> No. 2127
File 131533374094.jpg - (295.53KB , 1024x768 , DSCN1329.jpg )
Awww yeaaaah.
>> No. 2128
File 131541012858.jpg - (902.13KB , 2592x1944 , 055.jpg )
So many people showed up~

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