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File 13125787442.jpg - (21.83KB , 347x635 , grgttrgyhyhyhj.jpg )
1980 No. 1980
I'm making the soldier cosplay, and I already got everything but the jacket, I've been looking everywhere and there's nothing even similar to it and all is camouflage themed, so is a pain is the ass to dye, so I was wondering if someone made patterns to make the jacket and if you could share them with me, I'd be really glad!
>> No. 1998
I second this, as I am also having the same problem.
>> No. 2010
I've been having a bit of trouble finding a good pattern for this as well. Anyone even know of a garment that looks like it?
>> No. 2013
I work in a fabric store so im gonna take a stab at helping you out:


view B could work if you put elastic in the sleeve cuffs and add epolets.

or try a 2nd hand store for red jackets with a similar colar (you are going to have to pop the colar up most likely) and simply elastic the sleeves if its not already. you can also look for the right shape jacket in white 100% cotton, thsi can be dyed to a bright red (be careful tho sometimes they use polyester thread for topstitching wich will stay white, if u run into this problem as i have before i found it can be easily covered using a red sharpie marker).

alternatively i have seen red dress shirts pass quite nicely with popped colars but if you do do this try and find a nice thick one, cotton would be advisable as well simply because it looks and feels better and it breathes and absorbs so that if you are wearing this cosplay while running around or conventioning u wont overheat and die.

i hope this was helpful somehow ^^;

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