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File 13138668025.png - (174.62KB , 343x323 , wanka.png )
2046 No. 2046
I want to dress as RED Sniper for AnimeMilwaukee this coming February, and I'm wondering where I can find patterns for the vest and/or shirt? I also am looking for patterns/blueprints for the Bazaar Bargain rifle as well. I could also go in for a premade costume, but don't want to get shitty quality...I've heard the horror stories about Milanoo and other sites like it. Any help would be appreciated.
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>> No. 2048
File 131394249036.png - (182.83KB , 1196x487 , Bazaar_Bargain.png )
Bazaar Bargain. I would like if someone had blueprints or patterns for making this gun
>> No. 2055
File 131399995586.jpg - (390.66KB , 720x1280 , 131024940723.jpg )

Toki, look through the 'Cosplay supplies, how do I get them' thread at the top of the cosplay page - you should be able to find something on Sniper's vest. The shirt itself it rather straightforward as it more or less is a business shirt (just find one that fits you).

One of the mot important factor in making a weapon is to make sure it is to scale with yourself - this image is one of the many available if you go through the resources page here.

You might find more on the default sniper rifle but the Bazaar Bargain should be pretty simple - just don't think of it as one object but broken up into it's parts.

For example, the stock (including the bronze caps at each end) would be one piece (you might want to make this by creating several shapes out of ply, wood-gluing and then screwing them together and then sanding around the edges to make them smooth), the barrel is basically pvc pipe - and so on and so forth.

Good luck with your cosplay and have fun!
(In future, keep cosplay questions in 'Cosplay supplies, how do I get them' thread because it makes the place a lot cleaner!)
>> No. 2149
File 131620971913.jpg - (80.78KB , 720x478 , 30906_395784729319_84433129319_3904937_381499_n.jpg )
I ended up making my Sniper vest myself because I couldn't find anything similar enough to mod. It's surprisingly simple and I'm horrible at sewing. I used KWIK SEW #3638.

A few simple modifications to the pattern works wonders. I doubled the fabric and sandwiched it between quilting batting to give it some thickness (and it makes it SUPER comfortable, if a little warm). Fabric I used is a thick cotton material, almost canvas-like and then lined edges with bias tape. The snaps are purely decorative because the rig I bought wouldn't work correctly, but I have little issues as the pockets are deep enough that nothing I throw in there will fall out.

The zipper was the most difficult aspect, and isn't exactly necessary, but I like having my cosplay items be a bit functional, since I tend to wear bits and pieces in everyday life.

Can't help you much on the props, but if you have questions regarding the vest, shoot me an e-mail.
>> No. 2165

i will have to look into that. Thanks!
>> No. 2226
Voodooodolly on Etsy made my vest, and has made quite a few for other people.
She just sold one and hasn't relisted the item in her etsy shop yet, but if you contact her, she would be more than willing to make a top-quality sniper vest for you ;)
>> No. 2227
File 131879375449.jpg - (188.39KB , 693x1040 , 08_19_11 Matsuricon (647 of 647).jpg )
Here's a good pic of her fine craftsmanship

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