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File 131447937549.jpg - (49.03KB , 760x198 , newheader.jpg )
2072 No. 2072
Hey guys! Pardon me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall seeing any thread about SacAnime coming up this coming week. I went to the one back in January and saw quite a bit of TF2 cosplay there. I'm wondering if I'll see any of them again and/or see anyone new?
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>> No. 2074
I'll be there as a RED Pyro

There's going to be a VALVE Meetup on Saturday at 3pm and at least 1 TF2 skit in the masquerade too :)
>> No. 2085
Can someone make sure to tape the masquerade - I really want to see it.
>> No. 2096
File 131472566922.png - (46.35KB , 600x850 , tumblr_lphx0awG4f1r113oqo1_1280.png )
I'm gonna be there as a RED Medic, with my girlfriend a BLU Spy disguised as a Heavy.
I also might get my 11 year old cousin to dress as Scout and my aunt as Scouts mom. My 9 year old cousin might come too, as a personified BLU Intel.
>> No. 2111
Scout's Mom reporting in. :]

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