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File 131467508532.png - (763.35KB , 811x542 , ubersaw_by_dazzle_camouflage-d3aqhjz.png )
2088 No. 2088
I thought I might as well make a thread here.

The Ubersaw is (roughly) 21 inches and the tube can be taken out and filled with blue paper or blue (or red!) glow-sticks surrounded with something like baking paper.
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>> No. 2089
File 131467520739.png - (805.48KB , 993x663 , hat.png )
Vintage Tyrolean!
>> No. 2090
File 131467531122.png - (782.93KB , 993x663 , patches.png )
I do already have some patches but they were made pretty much the night before so I've been meaning to replace them with these (still a bit of a work in progress with the second one).
>> No. 2091
Looking sweet so far!

Can you post pics of the saw glowing?
>> No. 2093
I made a video ages ago on my hipstr:
dazzle-camouflage.t u m b l r.com/post/3560187967/you-guys-remember-that-ubersaw-i-was-making-i-got

Just remove the spaces.
>> No. 2616
WHOA Nice hat!! I'll give you 2 keys for it

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