I thought I might as well make a thread here. The Ubersaw is (roughly) 21 inches and the tube can be taken out and filled with blue paper or blue (or red!) glow-sticks surrounded with something like baking paper.
Vintage Tyrolean!
I do already have some patches but they were made pretty much the night before so I've been meaning to replace them with these (still a bit of a work in progress with the second one).
Looking sweet so far! Can you post pics of the saw glowing?
>>2091 I made a video ages ago on my hipstr: dazzle-camouflage.t u m b l r.com/post/3560187967/you-guys-remember-that-ubersaw-i-was-making-i-got Just remove the spaces.
>>2089 WHOA Nice hat!! I'll give you 2 keys for it