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File 131703049533.png - (110.00KB , 603x168 , Screen shot 2011-09-26 at 4_47_36 AM.png )
2169 No. 2169
Okay, so, I looked through the whole Cosplay and Cons board and didn't see a thread for this. Is anyone else here going? With any luck, I should be able to, as well as my roommate, who also plays the game. Dunno if she'll be cosplaying, though; kind of doubt it.

Provided nothing unfortunate happens, I'll be there as a RED Scout. (Speaking of which, I kind of want to get feedback on what I have for the cosplay. Where would be the better place to put that? In this thread or in a new one?)
>> No. 2170
You should give the location and date for con threads. Oni-Con takes place in Galveston, Texas on Oct 28-30.

Also, wow, their website sucks. (http://www.oni-con.com/) I shouldn't have to click everywhere to find the index page. I thought it was broke until I clicked on the conch shell.
>> No. 2171

Ah, sorry about that. I'll make sure to do that if I make another convention thread.

And yeah, for a while, I thought the same. I don't really understand why the people in charge of that site would code it that way. A little shell in the lower-right corner isn't exactly an obvious place to click.
>> No. 2172
It used to be right around the corner from my house but now that it's in Galveston, I'm not sure I can justify the price to go out there and get a room. Especially since most of them are booked now.

But I might make a day trip of it. I don't know if I'll wear any TF2 if I go though.

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