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File 131783861475.jpg - (10.94KB , 180x134 , fandom logo.jpg )
2191 No. 2191
Since it's a little over one month away, who's coming to FAN:dom Florida? We're only in our second year, but it's going to be awesome! We've got special guest Eric Stuart coming, as well as, Brian Woods and Melfina. We're based out of The University of West Florida in Pensacola, FL, which is where the convention will be held. Unfortunately, pre-reg has passed, but it's $10 at the door for the entire weekend.

We've worked really hard this past year to put together something awesome, even better than last year! So come on down if you want to party (....and if you love me.)!!!

Also, website: http://www.wix.com/fandom_con/fandom/directions-and-hotels#!
>> No. 2197
P.S. It's Veterans'Day Weekend. derp.

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