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File 12892369993.png - (129.46KB , 367x228 , dookie.png )
22 No. 22
Figured I'd go ahead and start a new thread for this con. It's starting to get a little closer now.

I recall there being talk of a possible panel? Anyone started the submission process? Also, meet-up etc...?

I'll be there with Spy, I'm hoping to have a RED intel case done in time too.
17 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 582

Still not sure if I'll be TF2 costuming at this (or L4D costuming either) but I'll try to drop by the meetup and say hi either way.

I'd recommend Friday night for the meetup, around 6 or 7.

Is it going to be just TF2 or general Valve? Or two shoots for both?
>> No. 592
I recommend a Saturday meetup as well, just in case some of us have classes that run late :-|
>> No. 645
I recommend Saturday too, even though it's the most busy day of the week back there. SO many creepy weeaboos swarming and taking it over like they ran the place and not sharing, last time we had to fight off a big Hetalia group. We'll get the best turnout, no one will have to rush, and plus if we wait until late afternoon the lighting will be pretty terrible, it's really dark back in there. And Sunday is pretty empty.

It's January already so HOPEFULLY we can get something set up fast and have plenty of people, this year really doesn't have a lot of response at all from what I can see here on the *chan. Gotta admit, I'm worried lol.
>> No. 651
I' m tossing out my vote for entirely selfish reasons, but I have an art table and it will be a lot more beneficial to close my table earlier on Friday early then Saturday. ((My table assistant is going to the meetup when ever it'll be too))

This is also a shameless plug to buy my art work. Doo dee dooo
>> No. 722
BLU Scout here, im trying to find a better bag though, the one i have is black and the strap is loose... but ill still be there
>> No. 739
I went ahead and asked for the 6:30 slot for Friday night at the same place the shoot was last year.

For those who want to do it on Saturday, any particular time preference?
>> No. 746
Sounds good. And my I suggest later in the evening for saturday close too or after the masquerade? ((I have no idea when it ends so if it's very late forget that idea))
>> No. 756
I'm trying to make a formal request to get us added to the photoshoot list, but I don't know the name of the location of where we shot last time.

Do you (or anybody) know what it's called?
>> No. 802
Was it behind/on the big stairs in the atrium? I have no clue where you guys where last year
>> No. 803
Yes, that's where it was. Not sure what it would be called but "behind the stairs in the atrium" works lol.
>> No. 804

Well, I've pm'ed the chick in charge again and she hasn't responded. I'll update the threads soon just so the TF2 cosplayers know where to go.

For Saturday, I recommend a few hours before masquerade...prolly around 3 or 4 p.m. That sound good?
>> No. 807
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Sounds good to me! I can work something out hopefully to make it saturday too.

Also, RED Scout mama progress for the con.
>> No. 825
Sounds fine to me too. I'll be at both shoots if I can. :)

Wow that looks really cute on you. Hope you get it finished in time, con's in a week.
>> No. 828

I got the red heels last night, the big deciding factor will be the wig. Can't be Scout mama without that beehive!
>> No. 839

Dat Scout's Momma

Also, unless anyone has any objections:

Friday - 6:30 p.m.
Saturday - 3:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Same place as it was last year. (Bottom of atrium stairs, by the windows)

I edited the thread on the Ohayo forum as well.
>> No. 850
I'm not sure if I'll be TF2-ing it up at Ohayo, but if anyone wants to say hi to me, track down Meesh or Toki and ask them where I'm at and they should know. I love meeting other TF2channers regardless.



>> No. 852
saturday at 3:30 it is then. i'll bring my friends in tow.
i was the female blu heavy last year, and this year i'll actually have my own bullets!
also, i'll bring cake truffles for everyone.
>> No. 853
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>> No. 857
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Work in progress...
>> No. 859
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< my face
>> No. 862
So, we hadn't told anyone this because we weren't 100% sure we could have it done in time, but just letting you know now, Piss and I are coming. And we are going to try and bring our payload cart.

It's not super hard to drive, but we're staying in a hotel across the street so there is a tiny bit of peril involved. Anyone interested in helping us escort it to the photoshoot?
>> No. 864

Depends on the cart color :3
>> No. 865
Yep, I'll be there as Blu Sniper for a day. Friday or part of Saturday. Depends what photoshoot Aussie Ammo wants to attend, I want to cling to her leg.

Can't bring down any of my sniper weapons from Canada because they don't fit in my suitcase. Sad day.
>> No. 866
She's doing Friday, I already asked her. :)

If it's RED, I'm totally in. If it's BLU... ah well, I can probably help if I can find you guys. POOSH LEETLE CART.
>> No. 867

I'm hazarding a guess that it is blue because they both posted earlier in the thread they are cosplaying blu spy and blu engineer
>> No. 871
Yeah. The cart is BLU. This isn't a PLR after all (despite txen saying plr in the beginning of our thread).

We were thinking about meeting up a bit earlier than the shoot to get some help to go back to the hotel and bring it with us.

Once again, that is if we have room for in in our van.
>> No. 873
There will be room. I will sit on top of the van and cling to the roof if I have to. The god of tf2 will work miracles. You'll see.
>> No. 874
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Team Fortress 2 Cosplay/Photoshoot

Friday - 6:30 p.m.
Saturday - 3:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Same place as it was last year. (Bottom of atrium stairs, by the windows)
>> No. 876
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Also, there apparently is a valve "addicts" panel midnight Saturday ((moving into sunday)) I'll be there for sure.
+I'll try to be at both meetups.

Lastly my alcoholic drink of choice for the weekend, pic related/
>> No. 882
me again, lookie what i made :3

see you all tommorow
>> No. 883
just realized the picture didnt post, oh well, just follow the white rabbit ;)

also if you still need help with the cart text me at 5134042734
>> No. 887
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>> No. 890
Holy crap how did you DO those? I see your progress pics, but what did you do? They're gorgeous.
>> No. 896
I was able to make the meet-up on Saturday, and you all looked fantastic!! Wasn't cosplaying, myself (I was the derpy girl in the Queen shirt), but seeing everyone hanging out and laughing has convinced me to do so next year. B)
>> No. 897
Wish I could've made it too the shoot Saturday, but Friday was still pretty awesome BLU Spying around.
>> No. 898
BLU Engie with the cart here.

I'm glad you all seemed to enjoy our prop. It was super fun to run around with.

I can't wait to see pictures because I have none. orz
>> No. 906
>Go to con
>Come home with possible pneumonia


Will post my pics from the shoot when I'm less dizzy and stop coughing blood.
>> No. 907
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Axstinguisher and 'Sleepy time' Pyro reporting in, Have a few pictures.
>> No. 908
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>> No. 909
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>> No. 910
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That soldier amused me considerably.
>> No. 911
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Hey everyone! Costumes were all around amazing this year!

All of my photos are on my flickr. I only managed to get to the Saturday shoot-- I totally forgot about the Friday one...


It was a blast to shoot! Enjoy! <3
>> No. 912
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I want to give a massive shoutout to all TF2 cosplayers that went to Ohayocon. I saw a lot of nice costumes and excellent work.

Pisswater's BLU car was not only teh awesome, but it also had candy, so double win.

I didn't take many pictures, but here is one I took of some TF2 cosplayers I ran into at the coffee shop.
>> No. 913

Yes, the coffee shop was sideways because we were really in a dream...

(inception joke or photo upload fail, you decide)
>> No. 915
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Did you buy the airline?

Also, my face when I'm walking away from the Saturday shoot after spending an hour putting my bullet belt back together and realize I forgot to put it on. FUCK.
>> No. 919
File 129668402728.jpg - (55.18KB , 500x667 , 3b536303-e6e2-4612-a894-698ffc8668f5.jpg )
Here's everything TF2 that I took over the weekend.

>> No. 929
Hey guys,

It was awesome meeting quite a few of you, even though I had to jump between gatherings since Scott Pilgrim was going on at the same time. I'm sorry if I seemed really enthusiastic or really dead--I was very eager to meet everyone but I wasn't in Scout so I felt like half of the people at the shoot were all, "Who is this fucker who really likes Smashing Pumpkins and has a big guitar?"

I didn't get a chance to wear Scout but it was really humbling/awesome to have a few of you come up and say "hi" over the weekend. I'm pretty sure Pyrotechnicality pissed herself over me (thank god you wrote your name on your badge, otherwise I would have thought you were "mmmf fmmghh mummff").

I was totally digging that one crossplaying Sniper who said she didn't have an internet name (huge bummer, there). And the little cart was AMAZING. I loved that it had candy and the two of you watching over it were really awesome, too.

I almost threw down at the ninja who cut through the gathering. I'd like to think I would have won.

You guys rock. Seriously.
>> No. 933

Dude that was so me. I said I didn't have a name because I thought you meant on here, and I -DO- but I'm barely on here unless it's for Ohayocon or Anime North and then it's a post or something else minuscule.

You were pretty cool, too, btw, even if you weren't in Scout it was so obvious who you were and that was pretty badass as it was. Too bad it didn't work out for the costumes though...
>> No. 934

ohei bb

Yeah I went in to the weekend really sick and on Tuesday I was debating between not even cosplaying at all. I ended up spending probably 5 hours in the hotel room on Friday just sitting in bed watching House/NCIS/CSI on USA Network, so the amount of cosplaying and being at the actual convention that I did was very minimal.

My rationale was that I wear Scout all the fucking time too, and I might as well save it for ACen with the possibility of my bro spork coming to that one.

Scout takes a lot of energy, because I'm That Annoying Asshole, and I just didn't have it that weekend.
>> No. 937

Pfft you seemed pretty happy peppy whenever I saw you, but maybe it was the adrenaline. <3

Everyone I stayed with and came in contact with over the weekend got sick, too, including myself, so just be glad yours is done with...as I'm still suffering from Monday. Ugh.
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