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File 131880371670.png - (72.00KB , 503x278 , scout bag.png )
2228 No. 2228
Hello, /cosplay/. I'm here for my dear friend who is going to be cosplaying Scout for Halloween. She has everything except for the bag, could anyone be kind enough to let us know where to get it? Or at least, what that type of bag is called? It will be much appreciated.
>> No. 2229
Ahh, I apologize for this in advance. I meant to post this in the cosplay supplies thread.
>> No. 2236
It's a messenger bag.
>> No. 2237
A friend of mine who's previously cosplayed Scout suggested that I use a duffel bag for when I was first getting together my cosplay. You can find one of approximately the right size at places like Academy (in the camping section, if I recall correctly). I had to modify mine a bit, though - I picked off the threads connecting the straps to the bad since they went around the thing, as opposed to being connected at the ends of it. After that, it should be a fairly simple matter of reattaching them properly. I hope that helps a little.

I can stick up a photo if necessary, in case you're confused by what I'm trying to describe.
>> No. 2238
*bag, not bad. Whoops.
>> No. 2260
It is not a messenger bag. If you actually care about making it look right, and I assume you do or you wouldn't be asking for help finding something like it, please do not use a messenger bag.

Try http://tf2chan.net/cosplay/res/29.html#133 for a simple to make bag thanks to Spork.

Failing that, I hear bags for carrying yoga mats are pretty close. Either way, you're looking for a sling of some sort and not a messenger or backpack etc.
>> No. 2274
My friend cosplayed Scout once, and she used the bag that her fold-up beach chair came in, and just painted and tweaked it a little. Perfect shape, just needed to have some stuff added.
>> No. 2322
Obviously pretty late by now, but if all else fails you could get some towels and an umbrella, strap that to your back, and just say you're wearing the Lucky #42.

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