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  • Blotter updated: 2013-05-24 Show/Hide Show All

File 131894358331.jpg - (156.40KB , 800x800 , 70.jpg )
2239 No. 2239
Hey /cosplay/
I am hoping to cosplay as BLU spy for the Mcm expo in may, and im hoping to make the Electrosapper, could someone help me with and idea on how to make it?
>> No. 2245
Well if I were going to make an electro-sapper, I would first decide how sturdy I want it to be. If you want just a one-time deal then here’s a papercraft: http://bit.ly/nhEQ50 But if you’re like me and would like it for cosplays to come, and would also like it to act as a purse or lunchbox of sorts (for convenience’s sake) I would probably make it out of a plain, wood or papier mache cigar box similar to http://bit.ly/pLYX9n and use the bottom as the front. Probably make the handles out of wood or foam. Craft foam for the hood on top. I would at least attempt to print the image on some high-quality paper and glue it to the bottom. Use the barrel of a coke bottle for the meter screen, and surround that with craft foam for some depth. Knobs and switches you can find at a hardware store. You could probably get away with spending about $15 on this project. Happy cosplaying!

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