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File 131934730651.png - (41.35KB , 512x512 , Backpack_Kukri.png )
2252 No. 2252
Question, did the kukri always have that little nick on the end, or was that post Sniper vs. Spy update? I forget.

I guess I'll post build pics too.
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>> No. 2253
File 131934833321.png - (94.37KB , 1263x849 , three-dee.png )
In the planning stages after I figured out the kukri should be about as long as my arm and got a number to work with, I dumped the kukri model and textures into 3ds Max so I could measure everything and get it to scale. The measure distance tool (under Tools, if you want to use it) really helped here. I drew the bounding box seen in the picture as my reference point for all the real-world measurements. I am working in inches.
>> No. 2323
So much effort, i just loaded the picture into illustrator, traced it then BAM printed it over 2 vertical aligned A4 papers. BAM. kukri at scale.

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