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File 132167256721.png - (370.42KB , 663x602 , Von winifried Hidoi.png )
2325 No. 2325
This is definatly my first TF2 related cosplay.
Its unfinished, but that will soon be fixed!
>> No. 2326
Just a tip I learned the hard way: If you wear the gloves all day, turn them inside out when you get home. Chem gloves don't breathe in the slightest (which also means they *will* get hot), so all your sweat stays inside the gloves, and they get moldy inside if you don't let the gloves dry.
>> No. 2334
I hope you get a wig. I really can't take you serious with that hair.

Other than that, the clothes is fine. I just think you don't do the look very well, because you are so young.
>> No. 2335
>implying cosplay is serious

I quite like the hair. Obviously a wig is preferable but in the absence of one the colour is a nice tie-in to the rest of the outfit.
My biggest suggestion is that Medic's coat isn't white, and especially if you're doing BLU, it's really easy to just pick up some fabric dye (I used Dylon's machine dye myself) and make it a little bit more blue. The effort expended is minimal but the effect is huge because so many people don't bother with the coat.
I would suggest different glasses, as Medic's are round, but if you wear prescription that might be a bit tricky.
>> No. 2342
some people take it seriously

and I agree with the anon who can't take you seriously with the hair. It points toward really anime-ish roots and tf2 is anything but anime-ish. not only that but im pretty sure people didn't dye their hair blue in the 60's too.
>> No. 2343
please don't ruin your cosplay with blue hair
>> No. 2344
I understand that Haka is probably doing cosplay for fun, but, directing to the general chan here as a reminder, cosplays are subject to critique as much as any art or fic. It is something people do take seriously when it comes to construction, accuracy, etc. It definitely requires an artful eye to do good.

I'll be honest, the blue streaked hair gives me major animu TF2 OC vibes. If that's what Haka is going for, then great, they succeeded. If it isn't, then maybe Anon's recommendation for a wig would be wise. Haka admitted that it is unfinished, so until she returns to the thread, we won't know what her intentions are. So don't try to suggest that folks are being unreasonable for taking cosplay serious, Annie. This is a general warning for everyone.
>> No. 2346
'pologies, it wasn't my intention to offend, I just thought >>2334 came off as a little brusque.

Haka, if you're not looking to get a wig but want to take the other commenters' advice about looking a little less anime, have you considered midnight blue? Has the twin advantages of being pretty close to Medic's hair colour while also looking snappy with the rest of the blue.
I'd also suggest a brighter blue for the tie. Oh, and don't be cheap like I was and get a polyester one, it was slippery as all hell and untied itself several times throughout the day.
>> No. 2348
i appreciate that you're trying to compromise here, but seriously even if it's a midnight blue it's still gonna come off as anime-ish. it's still best that haka tries to stay with natural hair colors if she wants to be accurate.
>> No. 2349
Depends on the dye. I had midnight blue when I did Medic, mostly because it was just the colour my hair was at the time. It didn't look especially anime, it was just sort of blueish in natural light. Not obvious at all.

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