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File 132262802113.png - (313.67KB , 761x418 , ohayotf2.png )
2347 No. 2347
Photoshoot - 5pm, Meet at the bottom of the large stairs

Who the fuck else is going?
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>> No. 2351
File 132287897013.jpg - (86.48KB , 397x500 , tumblr_luawv5NwQP1qhr4qoo1_400.jpg )

Hopefully I should I have better Blu Streak bottles and Bonk cans.
>> No. 2362
Which day? Saturday?
>> No. 2366
oh. YES. SATURDAY. Ha, forgot that part.
>> No. 2377
Hurp, figured since that's the 'big' day. :P Alright, I'll try to be there. Not entirely sure if I'll cosplay or not though, if I do I might not bring the whole shebang just because it's a hassle to wear and I always look terrible. Might just stick to taking pics like Matsuricon.
>> No. 2433
Thought I'd bump this seeing as this con is coming up soonish.....

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