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File 13251354024.jpg - (17.70KB , 335x185 , Clipboard01.jpg )
2390 No. 2390
May 25th-27th, at the TCC.

The usual Anime North thread a few months early, as always. Who the fuck is going and what the fuck as?
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>> No. 2393
You best believe I'll be there. Sniper Friday and Saturday, and 9th Doctor on Sunday.
>> No. 2394
Holy jesus god almighty, this is soon. Uh, I'll probably be Fiona from Adventure Time for one day and hopefully someone from Dr. Who some other day. After that, I'm not really sure. Ugh.
>> No. 2396
And then she derps and doesn't share her own plans. RED Pyro here, possibly all weekend. I might sneak my BLU Engie in there, Friday maybe, and I might get in on that Doctor Who thing on Sunday.
May should hurry its ass up and get here already. Or not. My costume's barely started, fff.
>> No. 2524
Con's next month

>> No. 2535
might be going if I can get my income in order. too bad I remembered this con too late to get an artist table, bleh. RED sniper is still my only cosplay.

anyone interested in splitting a hotel room? I no longer have my van to sleep in like last time ho ho
>> No. 2536
if you're alright with cramming into a room, then i've got a spot for you! idk how many peeps we've got, but there'll be at least 4
>> No. 2571
I'll be going cause I'm staying with IP and Zenami's crew! So excited. I'll be Spy, Tentaspy, and also BLU Medic if I can fit it in my luggage. Non-TF2 I'll be Arrietty from the new Miyazaki movie.
>> No. 2578
Sweet! I'm looking forward to meeting you and giving you a hug or a high five or something!
Two more weeks maggots!
>> No. 2580
Sooooo, to clarify, when is the official TF2 photoshoot? I'm assuming it's still on Saturday and if it is I might not be able to attend due to some bad scheduling, which would suck.
>> No. 2582
File 133713246464.jpg - (144.52KB , 649x523 , AN Photoshoot Map TCC.jpg )
There's a Valve shoot on each day, though no specific TF2 shoot. I'd be down to having a meetup/shoot on Friday or Saturday after the Valve shoot. Take any TF2 cosplayers interested and have an unofficial one.
The shoots are:
Friday - 5pm at the grassy patch in front of the TCC where it was last year. It's labelled TCC 04 on le attached map.
Saturday - 2pm at the spot labelled TCC 01.
Sunday - 11am at the place labelled DT 01.
Friday and Saturday are the only days I'm cosplaying TF2 so they're the days I'd prefer to have a meetup/shoot. I'll bring the candy!
>> No. 2584
File 133718275215.jpg - (78.03KB , 500x499 , halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-dynamicsentry.jpg )
I'm so excited like you don't even know!
>> No. 2585
obviously it's mostly for the candy.
>> No. 2586
Anyone know of fighting game photoshoots? I'm going as Bad Girl from No More Heroes the whole weekend.
>> No. 2590

There's a Video Game Character shoot on Saturday at 2 pm. Here's a .pdf of the photoshoots (if the link works)

>> No. 2591

Oh wait, shit, that's simultaneously the Valve shoot. Durr my bad for not reading things
>> No. 2598
That Red Engie with the lv 3 sentry will be back this year. He will have significantly less Sexy-Fortress girls with him however.
>> No. 2601
>> No. 2604
>> No. 2605
Well, the con's over. I know I had fun. Who made it to the Valve Photoshoots? Also, anyone have any pics of me? I was the BLU Sniper with the Festive Sniper Rifle and photobombed the Spy shoot by running in with the Australian speedo.
>> No. 2606
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