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File 132528396324.jpg - (330.32KB , 1200x800 , hotel.jpg )
2397 No. 2397
I hate to get rid of any threads, but I want to know if anyone is going to DESTINation Anime in Destin on the 7th and 8th? I'm going as the Engineer so it'd be nice to see some fellow TF2 fans. (By the way the picture is the Hilton San Destin where the convention will take place.)
>> No. 2398
I'll be there Saturday! It's only a 40 minute drive for me but it's too far to commute everyday and not far enough to justify a hotel. I cosplay Medic and I've got a Soldier that comes adventuring with me. I'll bring my bitchin' new camera and we'll do a minishoot.
>> No. 2399
Hel yes! For a second I thought I was about to be the only TF2channer there! My friend might be a scoot, but I'm not sure if she has the whole costume ready. I'm actually going to end up as the femgineer since I couldn't find a bald cap. I'll be looking out for you guys!
>> No. 2400
Femgie. Oh God yes. The scream I just let out. At 2:50 in the morning. But back to being a reasonable adult: I've found a Sniper to add to our little get-together. We're now only 4 away from a full team!
>> No. 2401
Have you seen the Dance Fortress video? The friend I mentionee earlier and I are learning the Medic and Heavy's dance from it! My next cosplay is going to be the Heavy and she's going to be the Medic so we wanted to learn it. Sadly we probably won't have it learned by DESTINation and she doesn't have the Scout cosplay ready. She's going as a character from Homestuck. So be on the look out for a Femgie with a gray guy with horns. I can't wait for the con!
>> No. 2411
Sooooo, turns out the family I thought was going to be in town next week is actually coming this week. As in three days. But since I have to be in Destin that morning for work-related things I can still do a shoot of you. Just let me know when. My email's on the name.
>> No. 2414
Hey boon, Myself and a friend who cosplays Heavy (myself as Medic)spent forever practising this dance we where supposed to do it for a con but it fell through sadly, We will film it eventually but it slipped my mind till seeing your post. If you need any tips just ask, I'll warn you in advance it isn't as easy as it looks, and consistent practice, revision, and communication are key here. Good luck comrade!
>> No. 2415
Luckily my Medic is also my girlfriend so we got the communication going good (and it won't be akward with the ass slapping towards the end) . We're going to do something different for when Heavy lifts Medic as I messed up wrist not to long ago working at my dad's welding shop. We're going to practice every weekend except for this upcoming one since we'll be at the con and probably too worn out to. I'll keep the tips thing in mind though thanks!
>> No. 2416

Here's the rest of them: http://s679.photobucket.com/albums/vv160/misshyatt_2011/
>> No. 2417
Aww shucks it ain't nothin'. Did you guys post the soldier's vlog?
>> No. 2468
I used to live out here, how long has this con been going?
>> No. 2476
Wow, how about I just ignore everyone ever.

No, it never got posted. There's no good reason why either, I just never did. If you'd still like to see it, I'll get it up asap.

This is the first time the Sukoshi crew has been to Destin, but it's Anime South's old stomping grounds. They've been rumored to start up again, but it's been just that, rumors.

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