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File 132772110122.jpg - (9.57KB , 500x142 , Fanime Logo.jpg )
2436 No. 2436
Guess I'll make the 2012 Fanime thread.

Avairrianna here (Fem!Pyro cosplayer) and I'll be running this year's Valve gathering and I'd like to keep track of people on here that might be going.

In general, Fanime 2012 general thread!
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>> No. 2438
I'm not going to be cosplaying, but I'm selling TF2 artwork in the Artist Alley [if I pass the review], and offering specials for TF2 cosplayers. Hopefully I can leave my table for a bit to go check out the Valve gathering!
>> No. 2474
I'm looking for a fanime artist's alley table. If you have one to share I'll be willing to cover the entire cost of the table. Good conversationalist, great selling tips for newcomer, been working out to make those coffee/McD's runs in record time. Free prints for you! Email me!
>> No. 2528
File 133400703941.png - (240.67KB , 606x572 , RED_Idiot_Box.png )
Since we're getting near convention time... I will be sharing an artist table with Serain! I'll have some TF2 stuff to sell so come find me! I'll post up my seating once it's assigned.

You might see me at the Valve gathering too, I'll be the girl wearing an just Idiot Box with no other parts of a costume to go with it.
>> No. 2539
My boyfriend and I will be going to the gathering for sure!

He will be going as a huntsman sniper, and I'll be going as a scout. Still haven't decided which set of clothing I'm going to do for him, but am working on that this week.

Can't wait to see everyone, and see some cool artwork you guys will have in the artist's alley this year.

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