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File 132983224185.jpg - (84.31KB , 1024x768 , HeavyMedic.jpg )
2454 No. 2454
Hello Cosplay people... I wish to make a heavy and a medic costume(Red or Blu, I don't care)

I have absolutely no cosplay experience whatsoever, my Medic is flying in from Sweden, and I have a fluctuating budget that will go between a few hundred bucks and next to nothing. I want to have something ready by PAX this august... is there any hope for me, at all?
>> No. 2458
There's definitely hope for you. I know from experience that you can made a pretty good medic cosplay with next to no money (I'm broke as shit 100% of the time.) Especially if the con isn't until August. As long as you're willing to make everything yourself, take your time, and stalk some thrift stores, you can totally pull it off. The supplies for making medic's props aren't very expensive. The boots will probably be the most pricey part, unless you can thrift them. I can't tell you much about Heavy, though I imagine it's much of the same philosophy.
>> No. 2459
Dang, this is way easier then I thought thus far... I already have 75% of the heavy costume done. Your thrift store suggestion helped a TON. thanks Noni!

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