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File 13345955846.png - (38.42KB , 1290x174 , logo.png )
2537 No. 2537
So. Valve meetup is 5pm Saturday, Loading Docks A

same time as last year and the year before that so that's pretty fuckin convenient if you ask me.

I'll prolly be there. Anyone else going?
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>> No. 2538
Yes! I'm going!

I'm going to cosplay as a RED Scout for the first time. In fact, it's my first time cosplaying and going to a convention.

Hopefully, I won't get lost or be late.
>> No. 2540
I'll have my BLU Scout on. Probably my Milkman too.
>> No. 2543
I'll be going as Dr.girlfirnd but,I will most likely change into my yoko-sniper cosplay from last year for part of Saturday
>> No. 2548
Possible rain on Saturday according to the weather channel?

Do we have a back up plan because the loading docks aren't covered enough for cosplayers and crowd both to stay dry.
>> No. 2549
ACen actually has a back-up plan, which is very cool of them:

If rain, Loading Docks A-D -> Inside of the convention center or to the traffic circle fountains in front of the con center

That's CON CENTER, not hotel. but honestly I doubt a lot of people that check the forums are going to see that so I will probably stand by the Loading Docks until about 4:50 or something waiting for people and then lead them over. Duckie, wanna be a superpal and help spread the word that if it rains, photoshoot is outside the con center?
>> No. 2550

If you see a stray RED Scout wearing glasses, then you'll know that I got lost.

Honestly, I don't even know where anything is! If anybody finds me and feels that I'm lost, please help.
>> No. 2551
staffing. always staffing. I can sneak people into big events again, fuck yeah
>> No. 2552
I can help spread word sure. Just crossing fingers that it's not necessary.
>> No. 2553
File 133557547781.jpg - (157.86KB , 427x640 , friendlysoldier.jpg )
I'm [not] sorry but I can't wait. After the taste of TF2 cosplayers I got to see and well...well yeah, basically eye fuck today I am seriously stoked to see all of your sexy asses tomorrow!

Oh god I'm sorry please I don't want to get in trouble for posting this I just really, seriously love you all.
>> No. 2554

Hey! I sparred with that Soldier today! He was awesome!

I'll post up my pictures later on; right now, I'm recovering from having my mind blown numerous times today at my first ever convention.
>> No. 2555
So how bout we share and tag the shit out of each other's Acen photos on facebook.

Here is a link:

>> No. 2557
File 133579659160.jpg - (277.27KB , 2048x1536 , Cutest Couple Ever.jpg )
Honestly, these two were so awesome and adorable. I wish I knew who they were.
>> No. 2558
File 133579684255.jpg - (294.29KB , 2048x1536 , Best Sniper Ever.jpg )
Seriously, he was the best RED Sniper there. His expression tells me (A tiny little RED Femm-Scout): "Eh? Whaddaya want, ya little bugger?"

And he was super tall too.
>> No. 2559
If anyone knows who that Engineer was at the photoshoot -- the one that actually was the age and body type and had a goatee and all -- that'd be neato. Jussayin.
>> No. 2560
also sorry for blazing through photos so fast. what happened was Portal people got uppity and kept whining that they didnt get to do more (even though they said they were done when we started) and told me to get through TF2 so Portal could go up again. and then they weren't patient enough to wait anyway, even though I was speeding, so they had their own photoshoot. it was neato.
>> No. 2561
Yeah um I got there right about 5 pm on the dot and things were already underway and people already getting impatient?

We all need to learn to chill and hold up so that people can make it into the shots too. Or, if we feel rushed, it's not like it's impossible to -revisit- shots either.

Either way, I was glad I got to show up at least for a bit and see some peeps! I just wish I'd hadn't been chained to my booth in the dealer's room so that I could've hung out more. Also really wanted to get a picture with the Space Core but he'd already left by the time I was looking for him.
>> No. 2562
File 133582921416.jpg - (249.29KB , 2048x1536 , The Sexiest Medic EVAR.jpg )
I was 10-15 minutes late to the photoshoot. Needless to say, I was pissed, but at least I got to (almost) get into the Scouts around the Dispenser.

Also, this was the sexiest Medic ever. When he took his shirt off, all of us squealed and I got a picture with this beast of a man.

...God, how I HATE my teeth.
>> No. 2563
Man it's been forever since I posted here. Damn. ACen was so great, I had fun hanging out with all of you wonderful people.
>> No. 2564
Goatee Engie and Space Core are k0ala and Pie respectively from the community BRB,Uninstalling. Come check us out and play on our servers!
>> No. 2566
Woo Brb.u!

ACEN was a great success.

Two things I wanted to say:

To the person who asked me if I was Makani's heavy; I should have said yes, not no. I only said no because the outfits were different, but she was definitely my inspiration. And thank you so much for asking.

To that adorable scout who asked if you could put your number on my ball: you were hilarious, I couldn't even keep up with your lines. <3
>> No. 2567
File 133602505693.png - (762.65KB , 800x600 , 002.png )
The Scout was me. I remembered you from last year so it was cool to see you again. I'm always grateful when ladies (or sometimes men in drag) are willing to laugh at or play along with my pick up's as Scout.

Unrelated is the photo attached. Goofing off in a photo with Drill and Txenriks only to end up with Citadel bombing the back. It was too perfect not to share.
>> No. 2568
That is perfectly priceless!

I recognized a lot of faces from last year as well actually, it was really nice to run into so many folks again.

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