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  • Blotter updated: 2013-05-24 Show/Hide Show All

File 133472576587.jpg - (394.21KB , 682x1024 , surfsama photo.jpg )
2542 No. 2542
Hey all.

I like the way my Sasha looks right now after a big overhaul (took off a ton of black duct tape to replace with screws) but the one glaring thing it's still bothering me is the craft foam barrel at the bottom. It's starting to tear in places and I really want to replace it with something that looks more like metal, but I'm worried about making it so heavy that my arms will fall off during a weekend-long con.

Any suggestions? The rest of it is PVC pipe, so hopefully something I can cut holes into to attach it to the rest of the gun I already have would be preferable
>> No. 2544
1) The proportions look just a tad off. Compare your minigun to the concept picture at http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Minigun_concept1.png
2) Spray paint. There's tons of spray paint that gives a shiny metallic look.
3) The actor makes the prop. Look at how Heavy uses the minigun in game. If you treat it like a 150 kg weapon, then other people will be more inclined to believe the illusion.
>> No. 2545
You could do that resin coating thing. I've never used it, but it should be a bit more metal-looking than craft foam, and it would still be light.

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