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File 133715064384.png - (7.99KB , 200x190 , 200px-AnimeExpo-Logo.png )
2583 No. 2583
Anyone going to AX this year? I know we usually get at least a few people from around here.

The guy that usually runs the Valve shoot doesn't seem to get the idea that a lot of people were really unhappy with not only last year's shoot but the year before. Not to mention the times he's suggested for it aren't really best for me.

Either way, I figured maybe a TF2 only/centric shoot would be nice to have. I was thinking Sunday evening around 6 pm? Anyone else up for getting together then?
>> No. 2587
I'm a newcomer to TF2 fandom and just started gathering the things needed for a BLU Engineer cosplay. I was going to take Saturday off for the con, but if this Sunday plan holds out, I'd like to be there for that instead.
>> No. 2594
Well frankly if you're looking to spend just a day at the con, any con usually, Saturday is the day you're going to want.

The everything-Valve shoot will happen because it always happens. And that will be Saturday, so if you want a sure bet, go for that.

But I'm still game for Sunday regardless.
>> No. 2614
I'm very new to the fandom but I'll be going as either a BLU female Scout or a BLU Scout. Haven't picked yet. I'll be doing 2 different costumes this year though, so I definitely want to know what day the TF2 shoot is going to be on, preferably the same day as the Valve one.
(I'm not too worried about the day for the other costume because there are going to be like a metric shitload of homestucks there on both days so... )
>> No. 2623
I'm too lazy/kept putting off making a wrench for my BLU Engie cosplay, hopefully this won't get me shunned.
>> No. 2624
>> No. 2625
AX staff is notoriously strict about their weapons/props policy as it is. They won't allow my Scout pistol which is just painted cardboard and masking tape really. So I suspect a lack of the wrench is probably on the less of a hassle side as it is.

As for what day, I really haven't gotten much response in regards to a separate TF2 shoot so I had sort of given up on the idea.

But if you guys are still interested, we could do Saturday evening around 6:00 so no one has to wear the same costume two separate days if they're not up for it? If I get any sort of confirmation from anyone, I'll consider the meet a go and make sure I'm there.

As for location, I was thinking of meeting out front of the West Hall entrance?
>> No. 2626
Saturday, 2pm Pacific, West Hall enterence?
>> No. 2628

Saturday, 6 PM pst, outside the West Hall entrance.

You're probably thinking of the -Valve- meet which is also on Saturday but last I heard was thinking about happening at 10 am and I don't know their location off the top of my head.
>> No. 2629
That's good, 10 am is so early.
I'm very last minute, but everything is almost complete for my BLU Engineer costume. One of my talented older siblings has made me a Pocket Pyro that I am very excited to show off.
>> No. 2630
I have Neither Sparky's patches from Etsy. What is the best way to iron on patches?
>> No. 2631
I apologize for only thinking of coming here just now, but let me make this short.

Yes, last year's gathering was a catastrophe. I am to share in some of that blame. I have apologized to many for this, but my apologies can only go so far.

The "Unofficial" gathering hosted by myself and Pillz is scheduled for Day 2 at 10am at Site 2. This was in order to compromise with someone splitting off their own L4D group, which they are still keeping separate from the Valve gathering. Had I known this, I would not have compromised with them and would have worked with you guys instead.

There are no sanctioned AX gatherings, and the West Hall is to be used or occupied by the X-Games. Supposedly, the games shut down by around 7pm, so I am not sure if your gathering at 6pm may work.

I do not expect a large turnout for the 10am gathering, as there will be no attendee foottraftic and I can smell drama a mile away from the two separate gatherings, but those who can attend please do. We will have have something special in store for this gathering and you may even win prizes by unlocking crates1

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