Is anyone considering going to Nan Desu Kan in Denver this year? I'm from CO so I'm also planning on attending the New Years event as well when that rolls around. I'm thinking about cosplaying Spy, but I might go the Demoman route because I have olive skin that's dark enough to declassify me as a "white person." I'm not really fond of either class and would rather dress as Medic, but I'm a bit of a sourpuss and I dislike cosplays that are too unfaithful to the original, even if they're my own cosplays. If I crack and decide on neither I'll probably just cop out and be Pyro. So my second question is this: should I let the colour of my skin prevent me from cosplaying a character I love, or should I throw the idea of "authenticity" out the window and do what I enjoy? Normally this wouldn't even be a question for me, but I'd feel crushingly hypocritical doing something that drives me up the wall when done by others.