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File 129027279053.png - (72.30KB , 500x352 , pileogifts_png_scaled500.png )
263 No. 263
Alright gentlemen and gentlewomen, I'm reposted this store once again to get this back up and running, but I'll be having a 2 month working period where I won't be taking orders for hats, instead I have a generous proposal for you Con-Going folk.

That is right good people of the Chan, I will be at D-Tec in Toronto and at that place, I shall hold the first of what I hope to be many raffle contests.
The raffle will be quite simple, I will have 4 prizes, ranked from 1st to 4th, with first place prize being worth about $50, tickets will be sold for $5 for 2 and 5 for $10, prices may vary with time, depending on some factors I won't get into right at this moment.
Although I can't reveal the 1st through 3rd place prizes due to the surprise of things, but I can reveal the contents of 4th place's lucky item, I will have a crates worth of random hats from the TF2 classes that I can get and the winner of 4th place will have their pick of one of the hats inside, perhaps two depending on the one choosen since it'd be fair if the hat was one I found really cheap, the others I will be willing to sell to people that are interested.

The 4th prize crate will contain such hats as these fine things listed-
-Otolaryngologist's Mirror
-Pyro Beanie
-Texas Ten Gallon
-Troublemaker's Tosslecap
-Bloke's Bucket Hat
-The Heavy Duty Rag
-Familar Fez
-Grenadier's Softcap

I hope you fine folks of the Chan will be excited for this, and may you have the utmost of luck in your future hat finding affairs.

-IRL Mann. Co Store - Busted-PC
>> No. 269
You know that I totally love you right now, right?
>> No. 271
I know buddy, I know very well.

Anyway, I think I may downgrade what the prizes are for DTAC since there are going to be less people, so it'll be first prize and the crate of wonderous random hats, but I'll upgrade the prizes for AN to make it more fun and to allow more winners.
>> No. 1254
Any news about this?
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