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File 134281416210.png - (17.98KB , 425x210 , Otakon 2012 logo.png )
2646 No. 2646
Otakon 2012 anyone?

We've been discussing Valve gatherings on the Cosplay.com forums and are thinking Friday/5PM/4th floor and Saturday/8PM/Indoor Fountains. (Will post an update if this changes.)

I'll be a BLU Medic with Medigun and stethoscope. Hope to see you there.
>> No. 2649
I will be there at the shoots, though I will not be cosplaying. I will, however, bring something for use in the shoots.

Something big and pink.
>> No. 2650
Great, glad to hear. Wonder where everyone went this year; no one seems to be talking. I do know Lithe passed on coming this year since she's been busy.


No really, someone on the other forums wants to know if anyone else is bringing a Balloonicorn; she said she'd bring hers only if no one else wants to.
>> No. 2651

>> No. 2652
My friends and I are doing fem!Scout/fem!Soldier/fem!Demoman.

Hard Gay will also be with us.

We'll try to make it.
>> No. 2653
I, uh...I seem to have inherited Lithe's wife. (lawl) Vihtalaini as Medic's wife. She will be running the shoots and I will be supporting her.

I...I'm a husband now.
>> No. 2654
Haven't posted in like a year and not cosplaying, but I'll be taking pictures and passing out cookies at one or both shoots. :3
>> No. 2655
BLU Medic here again. Fun times hanging out and getting to meet you people. You guys are a blast and I hope to see more of you in the future.

Vihtalaini (BLU Medic's wife/shoot organizer) will be posting the pics taken by our photographer at the shoots by around next Monday. I'll repost the link here once it's up.

Bonus facts: I have empirical evidence (mainly in the form of sore muscles) that Medic's Medigun + backpack require a great deal of strength/endurance particularly in the biceps and back/shoulder muscles. Especially so assuming his are made out of metal, rather than wood, plastic, and foam like mine. Fanartists/writers take note.

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