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File 135502743616.jpg - (182.22KB , 972x768 , 131887930083.jpg )
2742 No. 2742
Dear TF2 chan

Hello I an inspiring cosplayer and I am hoping to cosplay the pyro. The version that I would most like to do is the “The_Fanciest_Of_Pants”. Though I have already run into a few problems and I was hoping that the fine cosplayers here could help me with my problems.

1.) I have no idea where to get a patter like this. I have tried most patter stores and even a few adult stores.
2.) What is the best the fabric to chose. My first choice is using vile, however I can foresee this causing problems with heat stroke and other such things.
3.) The mask itself is not hard to find. Although I can't seem to fine the proper attachments that I would need, or know of a way to make them if they do not exist.
4.) On the account of the gloves I have been experimenting with a few different pants, with little success. Acrylic, rubber, and spry paints all crack within hours. I have been considering air brushing, but that can be a bit pricey and seeing how this project is already setting bake quit a bit I would like to know if it is wroth the money. There is also always the option of taking an existing pair of gloves and modifying them.

Hope you can help
Hard Luck
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>> No. 2743
File 135537894544.jpg - (53.25KB , 195x437 , FemmePyro.jpg )
Hello Hard Luck,

As a fellow FemmePyro cosplayer I can give you a few tips on your issues.

1) As for a pattern, try going to fabric stores and looking for a bodysuit pattern that can be modified. I also suggest making it a few sizes too big so you can make certain that you can sew it smaller at the end.

2) I used vinyl for my cosplay and I don't wish that hell on anyone else. You wont get that nice look to it but something with spandex is the best bet for a bodysuit design.

3) My mask was also easy to find but came without the filter which I got at an old military supply store and painted it black.

4) The gloves were tricky but here's a few tricks. First, use a permanent fabric marker for the yellow detail. Second, sew like a small piece of black vinyl onto existing black gloves at the wrists like they were gauntlets.

Well, there's my two cents cause I had to work through all these problems myself. Hope this helps!


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