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File 135892389110.jpg - (8.99KB , 180x180 , 373345_181833275283429_2105889196_n.jpg )
2747 No. 2747
Getting closer to Katsucon and I noticed that there's no thread for it.

Who else is going?
>> No. 2749
Me and a friend are running 2 TF2 gatherings! Pass the tumblr post around HERE: http://lithefider.tumblr.com/post/42252896239/valve-tf2-gatherings-at-katsucon Cosplay.com thread here: http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=310379

Here is the info copy and pasted:

Friday: Valve PJ Party - Casual gathering after dinner time (starting around 10pm) - Location is a cluster of couches by the loading loop doors at the end of the Artist Alley/Dealers Room hallway - basically keep walking past the Alley away from the con center towards the hotel parking garage, you’ll pass the bathrooms on your right, and at the end of the hall there are a cluster of couches.

Saturday: Valve Shoot, 2PM. Located at the doors across from Gazebo area. :) All Valve games welcome!

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