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File 14014142717.jpg - (74.40KB , 960x534 , image.jpg )
2824 No. 2824
Would this work for a Miss Pauling cosplay if you have wavy hair? I know next to nothing about hair, so I was wondering what other people thought about using this hairstyle for a Miss Pauling cosplay. I'm having trouble finding a tutorial for hair like Miss Pauling's ;_; Thanks in advance :)
>> No. 2825
I think it looks quite good.

Maybe use a hairnet and put it in a tighter bun, if you worry about it being wavy.
>> No. 2826
That looks fine!

If you're worried about the waviness of your hair:
You got a hair straightener? Or even a blow-drier? Use a little moisturising serum in your hair while it's damp (to protect from heat damage and avoid frizzing), and then use a hair straightener on med-low heat, or brush your hair continuously under gentle heat from a blow-drier, to get most of the kinks out.
>> No. 2827
Thanks for the replies!
I was worried about the wavy hair because in the video, her hair is curly, and I was wondering if the hairstyle would work if your hair isn't curly/stretched like hers.

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