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File 14044785118.png - (91.11KB , 300x410 , 300px-Community_Medic_Strategy_Header.png )
2830 No. 2830
What colour is the Red Medic's coat? Cause it looks cream in official stuff but I see a lot of people cosplay it white.
>> No. 2831
A lot probably cosplay it as white because it's easier to get than cream. I'd say it's some kind of off-white, officially, something with a bit of a pinkish tone.
>> No. 2832
I think you're right. The color is the same hex code as the RED Team "Waterlogged Labcoat" paint color (it's meant to match). This may also be part of why I see BLU Spy cosplays more often than RED, I've never seen RED Spy's exact suit anywhere.

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