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File 143042949413.png - (362.71KB , 600x411 , TF2-Medic.png )
2863 No. 2863
By any chance does anyone know what kind of glasses is The Medic wearing? I've found similar ones like Lennon's but they're too large. Any ideas?
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>> No. 2864
File 143069345520.png - (1.19MB , 1603x1074 , medicthreefourthsbluclose.png )
Pretty sure they are based on glasses that were common during the 30s-40s, maybe even the glasses issued to the German army in WW2.

If you don't want to make your own (they are flat frames with no lenses) you can get reproductions of these glasses, search for dienst brille, vintage round glasses, German WW2 glasses, etc.
>> No. 2865
I really just want to think he wasn't in the Wehrmacht, and he was on the opposite side. Just some dude who had terrible eyesight and wore thick glasses and was sort of nasal and nerdy, but murdered a ton of Nazis.

This doesn't help with the cosplay, though.

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