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File 129159635253.png - (14.72KB , 871x166 , logo.png )
390 No. 390

(Admittedly, I'm mostly making this thread to ask if we can have the meetup on Friday. I'll be gone Saturday onwards and will kiss anyone's hands/lick anyone's boots/whatever it takes to have it on Friday.)
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>> No. 399
I'll be there all three days so you can count me in for an unoffical meet up. If I ditch class or not to get there early for friday is up in the air though. :/
>> No. 419
hmmm, I will be there if I can find a way to teleport myself from land of cheese to land of lincoln.
>> No. 581
Bumping because they're taking submissions for official gatherings on the Anime Central forums. If the meet is going to be on Friday, can we do a time other than 5:00? There's another meet I'd like to go to.

But yeah, I'll be a RED medic (again). I've had a briefcase in my basement that I've been meaning to turn into an intel case forever, I'll try to get to that.
>> No. 583
I vote Saturday, as some of us might not make it on Friday. We can still have an unoffical gather.
>> No. 584
I will be there from Thursday on (I always get there early), so a meetup will be fine whenever.

Not sure if I'll bring my Engineer costume back, but I know I'll be hanging out as a classy headcrab zombie. Say hi if y'all see me.
>> No. 598
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My group will be there again this year. Sans half the team, sadly, but we're switching up some colors. I'm going to be as a BLU Sniper this year (god damnit, I AM going to make my gear for real this time).

Is there a L4D separate shoot this year too? I really need to get on their forums this year...

Pic related, late seasons greetings from a Snipefag.
>> No. 599
Hellz yeah ACen '11. Chances are I'll be at the Hyatt starting on Thursday dressed as Commander Keen at one point. Last year I was the only RED Pyro, if anyone recalls. I might bring it back if the photoshoot will be as awesome as then.
>> No. 826
I'll be there all three days I would come for sure. I'm going as yoko (From gurren lagann)cosplaying sniper.
Any day works for me, it's better to have the meet up later in the day. (That way everyone has time to get there.)
>> No. 936
I would really like to go to this. :v
Though money is a bit tight and ideally I'd like to have some Artist Alley space.

Is there anyone from the chan that's going to have an AA table and wouldn't mind having a partner? I'm willing to bring you food and table watch and help set up/take down etc if you let me sell just a few of my own things.

Not sure what this con's policy on table sharing is.
>> No. 938
At this moment I'm mostly making noises at my dad that I'd like to go. He's planning on having a booth there so if I do go I'm going to be spending the majority of my time working in the dealer's room. But I can totally try and skip out for an hour or so for a photoshoot one day and as always I love to see people show up and say hi etc.
So here's hoping I get to show up.
>> No. 941
I will be going as BLU Engineer for sure. Of course I was the Engie looking like a derp with the payload cart at Ohayocon.

I'm also going to try to get a RED Soldier cosplay done in time along with a wrench for Engie... or just make a shotgun to use for both.

That being said... Can anyone help me on where to start with Solly's jacket?
>> No. 971
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>> No. 978
I'm going to go as RED Scout for Saturday and Sunday I think.
>> No. 980
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I'll be there.
>> No. 986
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I'm going to be glued to an art table all weekend, buuut I'll be there. Hopefully I can get a new suit together in time.
>> No. 1007
Just curious, how did you go about making your mask? :I
>> No. 1008
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All admit that there was a lot of a guess work, and a few half assed measurements. I just looked up images of balaclavas online then did a few rough measurements of my face so I found out where important points where to have those open, or covered like Spy's mask.
Otherwise it's two halves of the same pattern I drafted and made of a stretchy fabric I got, and it's lined with the same material so it's thick. ((The chin of the mask comes up and a spirit glue it to my face. I don't have a MANRY chin so it helps define it a bit))
-I drew a very half assed pattern, hope it helps a bit.
>> No. 1009
>> No. 1010
No problem!

Hoo-wee, Lots of typos in my post too. That's what I get for typing that when I was half asleep.
>> No. 1060
I'll be stayin' with Magellan and LeftRight and several friends at their apartment for the weekend. we'll probably also be sharing an artist table in the Alley.

RED sniper
>> No. 1146
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Bump for final schedule. Valve/Orange Box is Saturday, 5:30, Loading Docks right. I suppose the interesting question is when the masquerade is. I think it's 6:00-6:30 or so. If that's the case this year, shitty seats HO!

The one I find really weird is that Star Driver, which is new and has very memorable costuming, is at *6:30* on Saturday. Whut? I was looking forward to that.
>> No. 1153
the schedule for main programming isn't finished yet, kinks need ironing. when i know, you'll know.
& shitty seats? maybe not. i smuggle people to the front of the line every year, we'll see how it goes this time.
>> No. 1294
bumping so we can have a plan to possible walk around in a group rather then clicks during the con!

Also, I'm bring up the idea of a TF2 picnic that fell through last year so we can plan this a bit better and actually do it.

Possible meet up spots for small groups on Friday; Loading Dock area, In the videogame room, near the expensive cafe area.

Of course this would be later in the day around maybe 3-5pm ish?
>> No. 1295
Damn, It's going to be very hard for me to go to the shoot on Saturday. Urk, hopefully it all works out.
>> No. 1303
What I found last year is that there is a forest preserve literally next to the Hyatt. Unfortunately, no one could ever decide on a date.
>> No. 1311
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Iunno about the photoshoot either :I that's over 6 hours of trying to make a bald cap stick on my head, probably not gonna happen.
>> No. 1322
I will totally be there. Aw yea.
>> No. 1428
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Bumping this back to the front since ACen is only two weeks away now!

I decided I'd make it to the Valve shoot, I'll just close my table a little earlier than the actual close down time of the alley.

Also progress. Made myself a new spy mask and started my intel. WEE-HOO.
>> No. 1433
the masquerade starts the same time as the valve photoshoot. :/ might be a problem for some to attend, then.
>> No. 1434
you realize that if you like
walk around
you will see 80% of the costumes that are in the masquerade

unless you go for the skits
in which case you're the type of person i dont want to see at this photoshoot anyway
>> No. 1435
Finishing up some hemming on the pyro suit along with finishing touches on the nade belt.

>> No. 1438
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RED Soldier in the works. I am planning on being Soldier for the shoot, but I still have A LOT to do. So I am bringing BLU Engineer as a backup and for something lighter to wear at other times.
>> No. 1454
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Oh man it's almost here.

Can't wait!
>> No. 1459
The photo shoot is right before the venture bros panel anyone want to check it out afterwords?
>> No. 1464
So, no TF2 cosplayan for me. (Gonna be Mike Meekins all weekend.) But has anyone decided where/when we're all gonna meet up?
>> No. 1467

Hey I will be in Dick Gumshoe Friday until dinner time or so; we should meet up for some pics!
>> No. 1473
Hi. I'm going to be On Holiday!Sniper (in an obnoxious pink Hawaiian shirt) for part of Friday and then RED Sniper for the rest of the day Friday. Feel free to bug me if you see me. :) I'm going to be bugging people for pictures.
>> No. 1484

Garden at 5:00 on Friday is Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton. I just finished a new hat for my Layton costume.
>> No. 1488
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I wish I could be there to harass people for pictures, but I have no money. Take a lot of awesome pictures and post them so this poor loser can pretend she was there.
>> No. 1497
I got asked a few times if I was from TF2chan(which I am obviously not), so I decided to check out this place!
I was the Medic with the amputator and walked around with the big group of REDs (we all play in the same server, 'BRBU').
Anyways, I loved seeing everyone's cosplays. Next year, yea?
>> No. 1498
Hi there :D. I was the red demoman who was neither black nor female. I was also with the group of BRBu'ers. Photos are pending.
>> No. 1502
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I was one of the red medics.

So, there was a rumor going around that the shoot was at five, and not 5:30 like it was supposed to. I went at five just in case, and we had a photoshoot anyway, and then another one when everyone else showed up at 5:30. Good times.

Anyway, dump commencing. First up, Scouts.
>> No. 1503
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Only one soldier at the 5:00 shoot.
>> No. 1504
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Pyros everywhere.
>> No. 1505
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>> No. 1506
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This is my gun. I like to fire this gun. Is all you need to know.
>> No. 1507
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Need a dispenser here!
>> No. 1508
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>> No. 1509
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and spies

I didn't get medics or group shots since I forgot to get someone to shoot them for me.
>> No. 1510
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Some people from Portal were also there. You can only sort of tell, but GLaDOS is holding PotatOS.

I didn't get any photos for the 5:30 shoot due to a prop malfunction. The tank mount on the medipack broke, and I didn't have the supplies to fix it. I managed to tape it in place with some packing tape, but that came loose and I was trying to reattach the whole mess and didn't get any pictures.
>> No. 1511
Besides the really awesome one on the far left that looks a little too stuck up and stiff, I feel so much better about my spy.
>> No. 1516
its almost like spy is a pompous asshole or something
>> No. 1517

I have no idea who spread that rumor but I officially hate them, since I have yet to attend a TF2 meet-up that did not begin half an hour early.

Rule #1 of gatherings should always be that you do not start until the time listed somewhere official. I told several TF2 cosplayers the gathering was at 5:30, which was what I was told by several other TF2 cosplayers. When I showed up and was then told that the gathering had started half an hour earlier and was already over I was a little peeved--and I wasn't even in TF2 cosplay.

Someone then snootily told me it was a TF2/Portal gathering which is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

If the schedule says VALVE/ORANGE BOX at 5:30 at the loading docks, it means 5:30 at the loading docks. I know it likely wasn't the fault of any one person (let alone anyone on chan) but there are fans who go to gatherings just to take photos and it isn't fair to them or the cosplayers to completely miss out on an event because it began early.

I thank everyone who let me step up and run things (except for the one guy who kept starting a count on his own) and then cooperated to help me through, especially since I wasn't even in TF2 cosplay and half of you probably don't even know who I am and probably wondered why a short kid in a trenchcoat was yelling really loudly.

Next year I'm going to try my best to run and organize things for everyone to avoid what happened this year. For anyone who's reading this, I'd like to just make it clear that gatherings work best when they happen simultaneously, so instead of "having TF2 go first" I think it would be better to have Portal, L4D, TF2, and Half-Life going on at four separate places on the loading docks with TF2 in the largest area and then end with a group shot of everyone together.

I wasn't able to properly handle things this year because I was working with The Enthusiasts and doing crap with the masquerade, but I really appreciate everyone's cooperation and hope you all had a good time.

And now I'll shut my mouth and go back to Hipstr.
>> No. 1518
The tiny RED Solly here. I know I wasn't at the shoot very long due to getting sick... but besides that nonsense, it seemed to be a good time once Bonk took control. I hope to see a lot photos as we all get home and back into routine, because I have zip.

Major thanks to the RED Scout(?) I think who gave me his water. You are a saint whoever you are. I have no way to express my thanks for your generosity.
>> No. 1520
That annoying guy was probably me, I think I remember you. My bad, I've actually never been to a TF2 shoot before and when people started the shoot early my friends called for someone to do countdowns. I guess I got overzealous :(
>> No. 1521
The spy is an ass, but hes fucking smooth. All of his animations are fluid except for when his plans fall through. (eg. razor back animation) That spy doesn't feel relaxed, or in control of the situation. Its about the smirk, the sneer. That guy is tiny and adorable, just standing there at full attention. But his costume is fucking beautiful.
>> No. 1522
glad you have spy all figured out there bro
also that's a woman

can you fit any more feet in your mouth I mean seriously
>> No. 1523
Mind blown. I did't go to this con I'm just commentating on everything. I could be hundreds of miles away. Sorry broski for ruffling your feathers.
>> No. 1524
Starting photoshoots early for no reason is dildos, jussayin. Whoever decided that is a dickbag.
>> No. 1525
I hope someone got a video of Jon Freeman.
>> No. 1526
Thanks to everyone who acted as an armrest for me. You know who you are. :>

I was the tall, crossplaying BLU Sniper.
>> No. 1528
Pocket Blu Spy here.

Just wanted to say I had a wonderful time at the shoot and meeting people. I was pretty much out of it the entire weekend though with a terrible head bug and cough, so sorry if I seemed spacey and unresponsive .

You are all just too fucking awesome. But for now, I am going to try and do that sleep thing.
>> No. 1535
I was part of the first group that got to the loading docks and apparently there was some confusion on if the photoshoot started at 5 or 5:30pm. We got there at 5:15 and immediately people began crowding around us, started taking pictures and shouting out orders. It wasn't the cosplayers fault this time around for starting early. We were just talking in a group and then pictures everywhere!
>> No. 1541
Ya, there was a lot of confusion but, we got, like a hour long photo shoot out of it so, awesome.
>> No. 1542
I always have a terrible time getting decent pics at a photoshoot what with trying to be in them as well and the general chaos that larger cons bring about.
But it was cool to see anyone and everyone I did and I thank everyone who put up with me being creeper Scout and macking on the ladies (see >>1510 ).
Once again Bonk is amazing because I frankly couldn't have cared enough to try and wrangle everyone into another shoot rather than just shoot with my friends. So Bonk, you're awesome as always.
I'll post a few decent photos up when I can but it likely won't be until tomorrow as I just got home and I'm already busy again.
>> No. 1543
I honestly don't think there was a deliberate decision, just a mistaken rumor that spread. I heard from several people that the shoot was at 5:00, and a few said 5:30 so I showed up at 5:00 just in case, figuring worst case scenario was that I would be early.

On an unrelated note, has anyone posted video from the Masquerade? I only caught the end that they were simulcasting by the hotel's hamburger stand.

Oh, and if anyone wants larger pictures, let me know. I had to size them down for the chan.
>> No. 1549
Can I request that any Channers who took pictures of the Red pyro with the brigade helm, please post their pictures? I need some more visual feedback so I can improve the costume.

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