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File 129204066733.png - (233.31KB , 898x283 , skuracon.png )
433 No. 433
So whose all going to Sakuracon this April?

Last year I went as a Scout. This year I'll probably be wearing my Engineer cosplay again, with my boyfriend as my level 3 sentry (if you remember seeing us at PAX). I may have a dispenser this time too.

I'm also thinking Ellis for Friday, but I don't know.

Anyways, whose going?
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>> No. 434
Will definitely be going as RED Pyro (was at Kumori'10) and will be also be RED or BLU Chieftain's Challenge Soldier (haven't decided yet)
>> No. 440
I'm probably going. Not sure what the cosplay scene's lookin' like so far.
>> No. 604
I may-maynot be going. Looks like I am but it's really a matter of if the passes are safe enough to go through.

As for plans, depends on the shoots. I'll bring my Medic costume, but not sure I'll be able to wear it.
>> No. 623
I'm going as a BLU sniper, and my friend's going as a BLU engineer. We may or may not have a RED medic and engineer accompanying us.
Also Meta my friends def saw you at PAX. Best costume.
>> No. 643

You'll be having a RED Medic and Heavy girly~ First big con since losing my TF2-ginity.
>> No. 644
Ok I seriously wanna see a pic of your boyfriend as a sentry. I can't even picture that.
>> No. 732
Uuhh, this is your RED Medic,
I can't go guys, D: But, next year I can,,, :'D
>> No. 750
File 129504430683.jpg - (74.15KB , 540x720 , 59277_1541312925442_1013493042_1627523_3080419_n.jpg )
>> No. 751
Hory shitto, I'd never have thought to do that. You, good sir, are a genius
>> No. 1237
Update for the costumes. Due to unforseen events (coughbrothergotacatthatlovestochewandscratcheverything) I'll be going as a Neutral Fem!Spy with a venetian mask instead of Medic. My poor, poor gloves and coat.
>> No. 1260

>>Neutral Fem!Spy with a venetian mask

what the fuck does that even mean
>> No. 1377
Sakuracon was so bene

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