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File 128926831969.jpg - (60.03KB , 537x85 , katsucon.jpg )
44 No. 44
February 18th-20th, 2011 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, MD.

Who's going and what as?
Expand all images
>> No. 314
Well golly, if no one else is gonna reply I might as well! I'll be there as BLU Medic, though I'm not sure what day(s) I'll be cosplaying yet.

Riding the Metro in cosplay is always the best.

Now that I think of it, is there anywhere decent to eat around there besides the Chipotle? I remember there being an absolutely godawful sushi place and not much else.
>> No. 325
I'm going as a Red Medic. I'm not sure which day I'm wearing it, either, but it will be Friday or Saturday. I too will be arriving via Metro in costume.

I haven't been to Katsu since it moved to the Gaylord, so I have no idea about food places around there.
>> No. 338
FFFF I just realized it had moved. It's been too many years since I last went I guess. Now I'll have to rework my entire transportation plan. I can still Metro at least!
>> No. 352
I'm going as BLU Sniper.

The National Harbor area doesn't have like any affordable food other than the Potbelly, at least that I can remember. Last year, me, Buuk, Cat Bountry, and Heiro all piled into a car with a bunch of other people and had a Wacky Adventure driving around lost, trying to find food. We ended up eating at a diner somewhere in Northern Virginia. Maybe we should have a chan meetup and dinner one day? That way we can plan ahead and orchestrate transportation effectively.
>> No. 367
Chan dinner sounds like a nice idea. I know I always need more opportunities to bludgeon people with my social ineptitude.
>> No. 387
I'll be bringing my RED Heavy with me.

As far as food, we brought ramen and pringles last year. The Maid Cafe was pretty good, and not too expensive. I think I might just make a cooler of sandviches to drag around.
>> No. 646
Katsucon is coming up fast. So, are people still interested in some kind of meet-up and/or dinner? I know I'm only going to wear my Red Medic on one day, so I'd like to hear what days other people plan to appear in costume.
>> No. 671
I think I'll be able to show up if I'm able to room with somebody. Turns out the person I was going to room with originally is staff for another con on the same weekend, so he can't make it and I would need somewhere to crash.

I might pull out the Raoul Duke costume again, probably.
>> No. 701
It's not the greatest offer but there is always room to crash at my house in Silver Spring. I haven't decided whether I'll drive or Metro in but...yeah. The more I think about it the less prime a place for crashing it is, bleh.

But, uh, it's there if you want it I guess. You or anyone else from here really. Cuz I know how appealing staying at the house of a total stranger is, oh boy!
>> No. 704

Not like I haven't done it before.
>> No. 706
We've got space in our room. Buuk and her little brother are coming, but that's all we've got at the moment. We're in the Hampton.
>> No. 733

That sounds good!

It'll be good to hang out with you again.
>> No. 736
Probably going Saturday in a repeat as RED medic.
>> No. 755
Cool, I'll email you about logistics.

I am excite [:
>> No. 811
Is anyone picking up badges on Thursday? It occurs to me that might be a good day to have the wee chan dinner since there isn't anything else going on.
>> No. 991
So, anybody want to do a photoshoot on Saturday? Maybe around 5PM (assuming that doesn't clash with the masq which I know lots of people like to attend)? We could hang around taking photos and chatting for about half an hour, then go as a group to find something to eat. All we need is a place to meet up with each other.
>> No. 998
The masquerade's at 6:30, so that will probably work.
>> No. 1002
I'm okay with that time.
>> No. 1011
Does anyone have suggestions for where we should meet up? I don't know the convention center, but I suppose we could always try to meet in the lobby. Another option might be outside the Artist's Alley.
>> No. 1016
Last year we did it by the fountains. I think that was a pretty good spot.
>> No. 1017
Okay, lets meet at the fountains. We might have to move someplace else because I imagine there will be other photoshoot groups with the same idea, but we'll see when we get there.
>> No. 1033
File 129835327037.jpg - (290.81KB , 922x692 , IMG_0803.jpg )
Red Scout here with a photo dump. Had a great time and hope to see you guys again soon, like at Otakon.
>> No. 1034
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>> No. 1035
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>> No. 1036
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>> No. 1037
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>> No. 1038
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>> No. 1039
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>> No. 1040
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>> No. 1041
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>> No. 1042
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>> No. 1043
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>> No. 1045
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I have some more, but these are the best of the bunch. If anyone has a request for another pic or just a bigger version of the ones posted, let me know.
>> No. 1047

I hope that male BLU Scout gets himself some shoes and a bag.

Because he's amazing.

Hell, if he's a channer and he reads this, I'll MAKE him a bag. He looks perfect other than those two things...and I am picky about my scouts.
>> No. 1065
I was the Medic with the vintage Tyrolean. My photos can be found here: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/203803/

If anybody wants a high res version of any of them just speak up and we can work out an e-mail exchange or something.
>> No. 1066
Those expressions are perfect! Pity the red scout had a bag on so much, he's cute.
>> No. 1081
File 129912925896.jpg - (450.32KB , 683x1024 , awesomescout.jpg )
Red scout you are awesome, taken by my friend FotoFong for you :3
>> No. 1082
File 129912928973.jpg - (335.89KB , 1024x683 , 5493716368_726c8339fe_o.jpg )
Also by FotoFong~
>> No. 1090
Thanks for the compliment and for sharing those great pics XingCai. And please thank FotoFong for me as well; he did a great job.
>> No. 1110
Oh hey, I was the lady Medic with the black wig :) Thanks for posting these!!
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