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File 129343481572.jpg - (383.05KB , 862x646 , DSCN1844.jpg )
558 No. 558
Anyone up for a little PLR?
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>> No. 561
File 129347625481.jpg - (148.39KB , 599x799 , poosh leetle cart.jpg )
Okay, here's a little more accurate progress pics... ignore the masking tape, I'm just using it to get an idea for how everything looks together.

Bomb will be larger and more bomb shaped post paper mache-ing. Angles for broken planks will be more accurate, too- just a mockup for right now.
>> No. 562
File 129347629121.jpg - (122.92KB , 800x600 , cart is not moving.jpg )
>> No. 605
File 129402396543.jpg - (165.99KB , 1000x750 , sidesmall.jpg )
Not much light this late at night and the living room is quite... busy.

But here is our current progress on the cart.
>> No. 606
File 129402404885.jpg - (161.48KB , 1000x750 , anglesmall.jpg )
Another shot of it.
>> No. 609
Very cool, I know I would flip my shit if I saw this at my con.
I have seen lot's of turrets and stuff like that, but never a cart. It's about time someone made one.
>> No. 610
You know, my friends and I once talked about making a payload cart once to bring to a con. This, this is freaking awesome.
>> No. 614
You would be the ruler of any convention you went to with this.
>> No. 633
Thanks guys!

I agree, I hadn't seen anyone make a cart before so Piss and I were like "let's do it".

You wouldn't happen to be the Francis who lent me your fedora at Anime North last year, would you?
>> No. 635
I am indeed that same Francis. I got it on right now, actually.
>> No. 652
File 129444463098.jpg - (44.91KB , 450x305 , moar_cat2.jpg )
Holy. Cheese.

... Please have my babies. This is win material. DO IT.
>> No. 654
>> No. 738
I'm bumping this cause I'd like to see more. I want to make one of my own, and this here looks absolutely awesome.
>> No. 855
File 12958208133.jpg - (170.36KB , 1000x962 , re100_4099.jpg )
Just an update on the cart. More has been done since this picture. We are about ready to prime for painting.
>> No. 856
File 129582098128.jpg - (137.14KB , 750x1000 , re100_4100.jpg )
And the back.
>> No. 861
File 129583428130.gif - (168.52KB , 290x150 , lf6ixnGqXY1qbu8vt.gif )

This... This is just awesome.
>> No. 870
this looks absolutely amazing
>> No. 917
File 129668103735.jpg - (56.24KB , 640x480 , 05.jpg )
are those birds on an invisible bookshelf?

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