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File 129453169713.jpg - (166.87KB , 480x640 , dsp_020811_blur.jpg )
665 No. 665
I'll just leave this specifically and poorly censored picture with an obvious secret here then.

It may be at Anime Central, C2E2, and more!

Probably not Anime North unless I figure a way to bring it on the airplane safely and back again. Which means no, pretty much. Last year my sentry survived the trip there, but... well not so much the way back...
>> No. 685
Holy Shit, I remember you. You were boss with that Sentry. I'm surprised you got that thing on the plane in the first place. I got enough flak from my horribly made pvc pipe Direct Hit by the Border and Customs people.
>> No. 686
Hey, I remember you too! Loved your sentry last year and this dispenser's looking badass (if heavy, hope it has wheels).

It's too bad Piss and I probably don't have a way to transport our payload cart to ACen. Unless someone has a way to move a hugeass prop from out of state, hurr.
>> No. 689
@ francis: Thanks! It was a close one, one of the guys actually asked me if i realized how scary it looked on the xray with the motor and wires. We laughed, but i got through both ways.

A big rocket launcher shaped collection of plastic pipe with no moving mechanical parts or rockets? you sir are a threat to national security.

@txen: thanks! Yes it has wheels, it will light up, and it even has a secret compartment for dispensing health (drinks) and ammo(snacks).

You could use a truck and drive the payload down if you are dedicated enough.

I was half thinking of just making a gunslinger and a combat mini(er) sentry for the travel up north if i have proper time and resources.
>> No. 1970
Woah man, that's just amazing, I whish I could go, but I went to America once just a few days ago and I'm still tired as hell for the trip, but woah, that'll epic in the expo!
Here in spain the expos are not really much, but I found a couple of scouts and a spycrab

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